Page 94 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
P. 94


PROPERTY FROM A HONG KONG PRIVATE                     清乾隆 鬪彩福壽開光題詩粉彩秋芳圖扁壺
FAMILY COLLECTION                                                「乾」、「隆」印

A RARE AND BRILLIANTLY                                來源:
ENAMELLED DOUCAI AND                                  放山居,艾弗瑞.莫里森(1821-1897年)收
FAMILLE-ROSE INSCRIBED                                藏,應於1861年購自洛赫勛爵(1827-1900
‘AUTUMN’ MOONFLASK                                    年)
SEAL MARK AND PERIOD OF                               蘇格蘭艾雷島馬格代爾爵士收藏
QIANLONG                                              倫敦佳士得1971年10月18日,編號95
                                                      W.R. Bindley 夫人收藏
superbly modelled with a flattened globular body      倫敦蘇富比1998年6月16日,編號289
rising from a short unglazed foot to a waisted
neck and lipped mouth-rim, the neck flanked           題詩:
by a pair of ruyi strap handles, each detailed        秋澄沙浦明如鏡,滿目離離芰荷勝;
with a yellow-ground band enclosing foliage           瘦幹欹波風力斜,碧葉擎珠露華淨。
and a floret, one side of the body decorated          穠艷偏將晚節淩,蒼茫更有蕪葭映;
with a large gilt-rimmed medallion enclosing a        寒香暗逐宿鷗飛,冷紅殘覆遊魚泳。
famille-rose scene of an overhanging tree trunk       泰娘老去猶餘媚,倚奩妝罷明眸靚;
and luxuriant flowering plants, including peony       忽然風入漢宮秋,綵女三千舞腰競。
and chrysanthemum blooms, the reverse with            維時有客泛波心,秋色瀲瀲饒幽興;
a similarly gilt-rimmed medallion enclosing an        但見嬋娟且耐時,誰知搖落行金令。
imperial poem describing the autumnal floral          人生得意且行樂,閒吟何必論聲病;
scene and followed by two seal marks reading          明朝短棹倘重來,平池猶有餘芳賸。
Qian and long respectively, the sides and neck
of the vessel decorated in the doucai palette
with bats and undulating lotus scrolls, the sides
further detailed with ruyi heads interlinked with
the foliate scrolls, all below a pendent ruyi border
encircling the rim
31.8 cm, 12½ in.


Collection of Alfred Morrison (1821-1897),
probably acquired in 1861 from Lord Loch of
Drylaw (1827-1900).
Collection of the Rt. Hon the Lord Margadale of
Islay, T.D., Fonthill House, Tisbury, Wiltshire.
Christie’s London, 18th October 1971, lot 95.
Collection of Mrs W.R. Bindley.
Sotheby’s London, 16th June 1998, lot 289.

HK$ 12,000,000-18,000,000
US$ 1,540,000-2,310,000

92 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比
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