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         A VERY RARE LARGE GREY STONE BEAR-                漢   石熊
         FORM STAND                                        來源
         HAN DYNASTY (206 BC-AD 220)                       德國私人珍藏,入藏於 1966 年以前
         The seated bear is shown almost as if stretching, with right leg bent
         and the left extended and slightly bent, the claws of all of the paws   出版
         curled under. The head is turned slightly to the side, and carved   Lubor Hájek 及 Werner Forman,《A Book of Chinese Art: Four
         with mouth agape and ears pricked above ruffs of fur. A partially   Thousand Years of Sculpture, Painting, Bronze, Jade, Lacquer and
         hollowed columnar tube rises from the bear’s back to above its   Porcelain》,倫敦,1966 年,圖 117 號,頁 56
         head to a rim carved with a ridged band. There are blackish surface   石熊坐地,造型憨態可掬,左手雙腿前伸,右手握丸做拋擲狀,背負一
         accretions overall.                               管,可以插物。
         9 in. (22.8 cm.) high
         HK$400,000-500,000              US$52,000-65,000  有類似本拍品造型之「唐飛熊表座」青銅燈座一件,以周文王夢飛熊而
         A German private collection, acquired prior to 1966  見《宮廷之雅——清代仿古及畫意玉器特展圖錄》,台北,1997 年,頁
                                                           70-71,圖版 8(圖一)。乾隆帝御製白玉同類器一件,器背刻「大清乾
         LITERATURE                                        隆仿古」款,見前揭書。
         Lubor Hájek and Werner Forman, A Book of Chinese Art: Four
         Thousand Years of Sculpture, Painting, Bronze, Jade, Lacquer and   同類漢石熊非常少見,暫只知另一相似例子,尺寸略大(29.2 公分),
         Porcelain, London, 1966. no. 117, p. 56           造型近似,源自紐約 Heeramaneck Galleries 畫廊,1947 年著錄於《Artibus
                                                           Asiae》雜誌內文章 「A Chinese Jade Bear of the Early Han Period」,A.
         During the Han dynasty, the bear, which symbolises bravery and
         strength, was a popular image incorporated into various aspects of   Salmony 編寫,頁 264,圖 7(圖二)。
         mortuary art, primarily as the stand of various vessels or furniture, but   熊自傳說中的黃帝開始,經夏代而成為崇拜對象。夏代之後,其後裔一
         also seen with other animals and images of immortals in mountainous
         landscapes, meant to depict the realm of the immortals.  支遷入荊漢,而成為楚王一系,其王均以熊字命名。秦亡後,漢承秦制,
         Extremely few stone bears from the Han dynasty have survived. A
         bronze bear in a very similar pose, attributed to the Tang dynasty, is   象,出現在各類材質器物之上。
         illustrated in the Qianlong-period woodblock printed catalogue Xiqing
         Gujian, ‘Inspection of Antiques’. This very bronze bear is now preserved
         in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, and has been re-dated by the
         Museum to the Han dynasty, illustrated in The Refined Taste of the
         Emperor: Special Exhibition of Archaic and Pictorial Jades of the Ch’ing
         Court, Taipei, 1997 pp. 70-71 (fig. 1). The Qianlong Emperor was so
         fascinated by this bronze bear he ordered court artisans to carve a
         white jade bear of the same design with a fanggu mark, illustrated ibid.
         Only one other stone bear from the Han dynasty is known, which is
         a slightly larger example (29.2 cm.) from the Heeramaneck Galleries,
         New York, illustrated by A. Salmony, "A Chinese Jade Bear of the Early
         Han Period", Artibus Asiae, vol. X/4, 1947, p. 264, fig. 7 (fig. 2). Compare
         also to a pale celadon jade bear with a similar pose, dating to the Ming
         dynasty or earlier, sold at Christie’s London, 15 May 2012, lot 194.

                             fig. 1  Collection of the National Palace   fig. 2  Han dynasty stone bear formerly from the
                                    Museum, Taipei            Heeramaneck Galleries, New York
       186                        圖一  國立故宮博物院藏品           圖二  紐約 Heeramaneck Galleries 舊藏之漢代石熊
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