Page 30 - Christie's IMPORTANT CHINESE Ceramics and Works of Art may 28 2021 hk
P. 30
A SUPERB LARGE WHITE JADE RUYI 清乾隆 / 嘉慶 白玉雕福慶萬壽紋如意
QIANLONG-JIAQING PERIOD (1736-1820) 如意雲式首面浮雕蝙蝠銜磬及桃子成雙,寓意福慶雙全、多福多壽。柄
The sceptre is carved in shallow relief on the ruyi-head with a 中部隆起,無紋飾。趾淺浮雕一蝙蝠。首頂背部一側及趾端一角有烤色。
bat suspending a beribboned chime and two peaches. The end 本柄如意玉質極佳,近乎無暇。柄部刻意不做雕琢,以突顯玉白若凝脂
of the shaft is carved with a bat with spread wings. The smoothly 的特質。清中期為玉器雕刻的鼎盛時期。如意作為清廷君臣間「聯上下
polished stone is of an even creamy-white tone with almost no 之情」的媒介物,不僅是年節、萬壽節王公大臣呈遞用的賀禮,亦為清
inclusions other than a small area on the reverse of the head and a 帝犒賞臣子的禮物,因此產量更是顯著。但論玉質、尺寸、色澤等評定
corner on the end of the shaft that have been enhanced russet. The 標準,本柄如意皆為其中之上上者,無論博物館及私人珍藏中皆不多見。
end of the shaft is pierced with two holes for suspension.
16Ω in. (42 cm.) long.
HK$1,200,000-1,800,000 US$160,000-230,000
The ruyi sceptre, a longstanding auspicious symbol in Chinese art
gained popularity in the Qing dynasty when it was often used as a gift
to the Emperor on his birthday. The present sceptre is distinguished
by its sheer size and the even creamy-white tone. The shaft has been
intentionally left undecorated to showcase the superb quality of the