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Two closely related meiping of comparable height are known, one 本梅瓶為盛清景德鎮御窯厰追摹永樂之作。瓶身腹部錐拱趕珠五爪龍一
(36.1cm.) is in the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, published by 條,肩飾如意雲紋,脛部飾波濤紋,隙地滿染深青色,器底白胎,整
René Lefebvre d’Argencé in Chinese Ceramics in the Avery Brundage 體造型氣勢磅礴。造型、紋飾、尺寸相當的近似例可參考另外兩件。
Collection, p. 114, no. LII C, where it is dated Ming dynasty, 16th century,
but later published by He Li in Chinese Ceramics A New Comprehensive 一為 Avery Brundage 藏品(36.1 公分),現藏舊金山亞洲藝術博物館,
Survey, San Francisco, 1996, pp. 290-91, no. 592, and re-dated to the 曾載於《Chinese Ceramics in the Avery Brundage Collection》,頁 114,
Yongzheng period; the other from The Studio of the Clear Garden, 圖 LII C,書中定年為明十六世紀,後出版於《Chinese Ceramics A New
was sold at Christie’s New York, 22 March 2018, lot 604 (36.8 cm.) Comprehensive Survey》,舊金山,1996 年,圖版 592,定年經更改為雍
(US$732,500)(fig. 1).
正。另一例為澄園山房舊藏(36.8 公分),2018 年 3 月 22 日於紐約佳
The white areas of the Asian Art Museum meiping have a network of 士得拍賣,拍品 604 號(成交價:美元 732,500)(圖一)。
crackling which may have occurred during its rapid cooling after the
firing process. The same crackling also occurs on a similar reserve- 國立故宮博物院藏有一件較小的青花波濤白龍紋梅瓶(23.8 公分)(圖
decorated vase of this form but smaller (23.8 cm.) in the National Palace 二),著錄於《故宮藏瓷 - 明青花瓷(一)》,香港,1963 年,圖版
Museum, Taipei, illustrated in Blue-and-white Ware of the Ming Dynasty,
Book I, Hong Kong, 1963, p. 64, no. 12 (fig. 2). Originally catalogued as 12,其紋飾、造型與本拍品及上述二例相若,白釉部分亦有開片現象,
early Ming, it is possible that it also dates to the early Qing period. The 與舊金山藝術博物館梅瓶相同,惟院方將之定年永樂。相關討論可參閱
Taiwan example is discussed by Soame Jenyns, T.O.C.S., vol. 31, 1957- Soame Jenyns 撰「 Visit to Pie-kou, Taiwan」,東方陶瓷學會期刊,第 31
59, ‘Visit to Pie-kou, Taiwan’, p. 56, pl. 15a. 冊,1957-59 年,頁 56。
The present meiping and the other similar examples are based 景德鎮珠山御器厰曾出土一件永樂青花波濤白龍紋梅瓶(40 公分),見
on Yongle prototypes such as the similarly decorated vase but of
slightly different form illustrated in the Chang Foundation exhibition 《景德鎮出土明初官窯瓷器》,台北,1996 年,圖版 66 號(圖三),
catalogue, Imperial Hongwu and Yongle Porcelain Excavated at 其應為此類梅瓶之原型。永樂時期的梅瓶撇足弧度較大,整體造型相對
Jingdezhen, Taipei, 1996, no. 66 (fig. 3). On this excavated meiping, the 修長。主紋飾雖相同,但地子飾有海水波濤紋,而肩部與脛部各飾一圈
body of the dragon is also carved under the clear glaze and is shown 蓮瓣紋,與清代滿布藍地的佈局不同。
against a rich blue ground of breaking waves bordered above and below
by bands of petal lappets. On the later Yongzheng meiping, the blue
wave ground has become more of a dark blue wash and the breaking
waves are confined to a band at the bottom.
fig. 1 Sold at Christie's New York, 22 March fig. 2 A blue and white reserve-decorated fig. 3 A blue and white reserve-decorated
2018, lot 604 (Price realised: US$732,500) meiping, dated Yongle period. 23.8 cm. high meiping, Yongle period. Excavated from
圖一 紐約佳士得,2018 年 3 月 22 日, Collection of the National Palace Museum, Zhushan, Jingdezhen. Collection of the
拍品 604 號(成交價:美元 732,500) Taipei Jingdezhen Ceramics Institute
圖二 青花波濤白龍梅瓶 定年永樂 高 23.8 公分 圖三 明永樂 青花波濤白龍梅瓶
國立故宮博物院藏品 景德鎮珠山御器廠出土 景德鎮陶瓷研究所藏品