Page 31 - Bonhams UK Marsh Collection Art for the Literati November 2, 2022
P. 31

Lot 9               Lot 10              Lot 13               Lot 16              Lot 18

           The improvement of the refinery process of   In Lot 2 a rare and large ‘ladies and boys’ wucai
           cobalt benefited the overall output of porcelain   dish, Shunzhi, and Lot 9 a large blue and white and
           fromJingdezhen including export pieces. Lot 33, a very  copper-red ‘virtuous aunt’ dish, early Kangxi, the ladies
           fine blue and white tankard, Chongzhen, and Lot 32   are painted with plump and profound brushwork,
           a blue and white pear-shaped ewer with Dutch silver   the unique style of which is a clearly influenced by
           mounts, Chongzhen, are both typically commissioned  a contemporaneous artist Chen Hongshou. This is
           pieces for the European market. The decorations   another example of the impact of literati paintings on
           however are of Chinese themes, with some European   ceramics during that time.
           elements such as the borders with tulips. The blue
           pigment is so vibrant in these export wares that the   Lot 24 a rare blue and white ‘Romance of the Western
           European nobles compared it to ‘violets in milk’. These  Chamber’ square vase, Kangxi, is a fine product of   Lot 19
           two pieces were both commissioned by the Dutch East  the folk kilns fromthe mid Kangxi period. It depicts on
           India Company (VOC).                   its four sides popular episodes from the 13th century
                                                  drama, blurring the boundary between a lofty scholar’s
           Lot 16 a rare blue and white ‘master of the rocks’   studio and thevernacular. Lot 18 a rare blue and white
           jar, Shunzhi/ early Kangxi, perfectly exemplifies the   and copper-red peach-shaped dish, Kangxi, is an
           influence of literati paintings during the late Ming   excellent unification of painting, calligraphy, and poetry
           dynasty on the decoration of ceramics. The hemp-fibre  in ceramics.
           strokes seen on this lot: a series of thin and parallel
           contours used to create the depth and texture of the   Lastly, Lot 3 rare documentary blue and white ‘Kui
           rockwork, creates a distinctive landscape which is   Xing’ vessel, dated to 1654, presents us again with an
           one of the most important developments in ceramic   energetic and comic God of Literatureand reminding us
           decoration of the early Kangxi period, providing crucial  once more that we cannot overlook the important role
           dating basis for ceramics of this kind.  the literati during the late Ming and early Qing dynasty
                                                  in the development of ceramics in Jingdezhen. The
           The development of wucai enamels during the Shunzhi  innovative forms of the vessels created to cater to this   Lot 20
           period, inspired by the method of coloured block   class of patrons, the high quality of cobalt produced
           printing with bold and contrasting colours, makes it   during the time, the expressive and vivid painting,
           the most important polychrome decoration during the   and the elegant and creative calligraphy are all united
           late Ming and early Qing dynasty. Lot 23 a wucai ‘rise   together in the manufacturing of the ceramics. The
           in official rank’ jar and cover, Shunzhi, is decorated   plethora of scholar’s objects we see today bears great
           around its body a continuous scene of a dignitary   witness to the splendor of a great era in the late Ming
           surrounded by a large team of court retinue and   and early Qing dynasties, and we sigh in awe every
           guardsmen with vibrant and vivid enamel. It showcases  time we look back.
           the wonderful craftmanship and artistic achievements
           in wucai decoration during the period.

                                                                                            Lot 21

                              Lot 28                Lot 24              Lot 23               Lot 22
   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36