Page 74 - Art D'Asie June 22, 2017 Paris
P. 74


RÉCIPIENT TRIPODE COUVERT EN                                        Natanael Wessen
BRONZE, LIAN                                                        Eskenazi Ltd
DYNASTIE HAN, IIE SIÈCLE AVANT                                      Louis Depagne
                                                                    Eskenazi Ltd Ancient Chinese Bronzes and Gilt Bronzes from
de forme cylindrique soutenue par trois pieds en forme
d’animaux fabuleux, le pourtour ceint de deux larges bandes         the Wessen and Other Collections    1980 6 11 25
en léger retrait, anquée de deux masques de taotie retenant
des anneaux mobiles, le couvercle bombé orné de trois béliers       9
couchés se faisant face (2)
22 cm, 8⅝ in.                                                       Oriental Bronze Ltd Ancient Chinese Bronze Vessels

PROVENANCE                                                          Gilt bronzes

Reputedly from Changsha, Hunan province.                            and Early Ceramics  1986 6 11 18                    10
Dr. Natanael Wessen Collection, Stockholm.
Eskenazi Ltd., London.                                              Bernhard Karlgren Bronzes in the Wessen Collection
Collection of Louis Depagne, Nice and London.
                                                                                        1958            30 1969             29 30
                                                                    Bernhard Karlgren Jan Wirgin Chinese Bronzes The Natanael
Eskenazi Ltd., Ancient Chinese Bronzes and Gilt-Bronzes from the
Wessen and Other Collections, London, 11th – 25th June 1980, cat.   Wessen Collection                   1969 1 30
No. 9.
Oriental Bronze Ltd., Ancient Chinese Bronze Vessels, Gilt-         7 42
bronzes and Early Ceramics, London, 11th – 18th June 1986, no. 10.
                                                                    Eskenazi Ltd Ancient Chinese Bronzes and Gilt bronzes from the
                                                                    Wessen and Other Collections        1980     9
Bernhard Karlgren, ‘Bronzes in the Wessen Collection’, Bulletin
of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm, 1958,          Oriental Bronze Ltd Ancient Chinese Bronze Vessels Gilt bronzes
vol. 30, pls. 29 and 30.
Bernhard Karlgren and Jan Wirgin, Chinese Bronzes. The              and Early Ceramics            1986  10
Natanael Wessen Collection, Stockholm, 1969, vol. 1, no. 30,
col. pl. 7, pl. 42.
Eskenazi Ltd., Ancient Chinese Bronzes and Gilt-bronzes from
the Wessen and Other Collections, London, 1980, cat. no. 9.
Oriental Bronze Ltd., Ancient Chinese Bronze Vessels,
Gilt-bronzes and Early Ceramics, London, 1986, cat. no. 10.

A rare bronze vessel and cover, lian, Han Dynasty,
2nd century BC/2nd century AD

60 000-80 000 €
510 000-680 000 HK$ 65 500-87 500 US$

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