Page 88 - Art D'Asie June 22, 2017 Paris
P. 88
ANCIENNE COLLECTION PARTICULIÈRE ALLEMANDE The shape of this jade bowl is distinctive and relates to spouted
bowls or pouring bowls made in porcelain that began to appear
RARE VERSEUSE EN JADE VERT in the Song dynasty. Compare several rare examples, among
DYNASTIE YUAN DÉBUT DE LA them one bowl with underglaze-red decoration, illustrated in
DYNASTIE MING James C. Y. Watt, The World of Khubilai Khan, New York, 2010,
p. 284, g. 321, and John C. Ayers, ‘Some Characteristic Wares
de forme circulaire aux côtés légèrement arrondis, l’anse of the Yuan Dynasty’, Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic
ajourée sculptée d’entrelacs formant un triangle, à l’opposé Society, no. 29, 1954, gs. 29-32.
d’un bec verseur arqué au dos souligné d’arabesques ajourées,
la pierre au doux poli It may be assumed that the shape is based on a silver model
20,8 cm, 8⅛ in. whose shape was in uenced by Central Asian silverware. A
silver spouted bowl or pouring vessel with a similar angular
PROVENANCE spout was discovered among the more than 100 silver vessels
Acquired in China between 1894 and 1922. discovered in a large hoard in Hefei, Anhui province, compare
Thence in the family by descent. ibid., pp. 288-289, g. 331. Another example dated to the Song
or Yuan dynasty from the collection of the William Rockhill
A rare green jade spouted or pouring vessel, Yuan/early Nelson Gallery of Art, Kansas City, is published in James Cahill,
Ming Dynasty The Art of Southern Sung China, New York, 1982, cat. no. 38.
20 000-30 000 €
170 000-255 000 HK$ 21 800-32 700 US$
1894 1922
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