Page 99 - Art D'Asie June 22, 2017 Paris
P. 99
ANCIENNE COLLECTION PARTICULIÈRE BELGE Only one other pair of these distinctive pear-shaped vases
is known, sold at Sotheby’s London, 7th November 1946, lot
PAIRE DE VASES BOUTEILLE EN 71, and they could be the present pair as both the design and
PORCELAINE DE LA FAMILLE VERTE size are very similar on the one vase illustrated in the 1946
SUR FOND NOIR catalogue.
Others vases of this type and design are known, compare
chaque vase à la panse piriforme et à long col étroit, décoré an example illustrated in An Exhibition of Important Chinese
d’une composition orale foisonnante et d’enroulements Ceramics from the Robert Chang Collection, Christie’s 1993, p.
délicats de sarments de vigne entrecoupés de feuilles rouges 80, cat. 34. See also another vase of this type, sold Christie’s
et de larges eurs de lotus, clématites et pivoines aux émaux London, 6th December 1993, lot 124.
rouge de fer, bleu et jaune pâle, le tout sur fond noir, le pied
décoré d’enroulements sur fond vert pâle (2) The enamelled decoration reserved on a black ground can
23,2 et 23,5 cm, 9⅛ and 9¼ in. be compared to that on a group of similarly decorated
Yongzheng-marked dishes, including a dish sold at Sotheby’s
A rare pair of black-ground Famille Verte-enamelled bottle Hong Kong, 9th April 2007, lot 780 and another example
vases, late Qing Dynasty sold at Christie’s New York, 29th March 2006, lot 496. It is
interesting to note that while the dishes are all marked, vases
20 000-30 000 € of this design are not.
170 000-255 000 HK$ 21 800-32 700 US$