Page 25 - CHRISTIE'S Marchant Nine Decades of Chinese Art 09/14/17
P. 25


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It is signifcant that with the advent of the Ming dynasty in 1369,        (杭州:1998),惟其瓣形不像本拍品般棱角分明。
the re-establishment of Han Chinese rule, and the ascension to the
imperial throne of the Hongwu Emperor, ceramic production for             最重要的是,大明於1369年一統江山,恢復了漢人
court use received a new stimulus – both at the Jingdezhen and            統治的局面,而洪武帝登基之後,景德鎮和龍泉
Longquan kilns. It is interesting to note that in the Hongwu reign        窯的御瓷燒造更是如虎添翼。頗堪玩味的是,洪
bracket-lobed rims reappeared at both kilns, and with the added           武年間,菱花口器物在兩大窯口再度出現,並結
feature of lobing to the sides that conformed to the shape of the         合了與花口對應的瓣形弧壁。就此類菱口盤而言,
mouth rims. While the dishes of this type from Jingdezhen were            景德鎮的製品通常施釉下青花或釉裏紅,而龍泉
usually decorated in either underglaze blue or underglaze copper red,     窯的作品大多數飾刻花、印花或光素無紋。伊斯
those from the Longquan kilns were either decorated with carved or        坦布爾的托普卡比宮珍藏一例近似的明初刻花大
impressed decoration, or were left undecorated. A large early Ming        盤,圖見藤岡了一及長谷部樂爾合著的《世界陶
dish of this form, but with carved decoration, from the collection of     瓷全集》卷十四之「明」編號131 (東京:1976);
the Topkapi Saray Museum, Istanbul is illustrated by R. Fujioka and       同一批珍藏中,尚有一件光素無紋的近似例,圖
G. Hasebe in Ceramic Art of the World, vol. 14, Ming Dynasty, Tokyo,      見艾爾斯與康蕊君合著的《Chinese Ceramics in the
1976, no. 131, while an undecorated dish from the same collection         Topkapi Saray Museum》卷一編號245 (倫敦:1986)
is illustrated by J. Ayers and R. Krahl in Chinese Ceramics in the        。有趣的是,近似例中的巔峰之作,部份正像本
Topkapi Saray Museum, Istanbul, vol. I, London, 1986, no. 245. It is      拍品般光素無紋。此盤僅於折沿處及與弧壁交接
interesting to note that some of the fnest examples, such as the dish in  處飾細窄弦紋,加上釉色清麗脫俗,器形之美更
the current sale, fall into the undecorated category. The shape of this   是一覽無遺。
dish is most effectively enhanced by the narrow raised lines outlining
the fattened rim at the edge and at the junction with the sides of the    蘇玫瑰
vessel, and by its beautiful glaze.
Rosemary Scott
Senior International Academic Consultant Asian Art

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