Page 43 - CHRISTIE'S Marchant Nine Decades of Chinese Art 09/14/17
P. 43


     Later Chinese Bronzes:
A Re-Connection with the Past


Although archaic Chinese bronzes are both well-known and                     放眼世界,各大機構珍藏的中國古青銅器既廣為人知且
         well-represented in collections around the world, collectors        琳琅滿目,但自宋代 (公元960–1279年) 至清代 (公元
         in East and West alike have paid but scant attention to later       1644–1911年) 的後仿青銅尊、爐及其他器物,則備受
Chinese bronzes, those vases, censers, and other vessels created from        東西方藏家冷落 1。雖然不受重視,但這批後仿青銅器
Song times (AD 960-1279) through the Qing dynasty (1644-1911)1.              卻能以生動傳神的方式,將晚期中國與其文明形成期的
Despite neglect, such later bronzes recount a telling story about China’s    歷史、文化 (約公元前十六世紀至公元220年這段漫長的
engagement with the early, formative stage of Chinese history and            歲月,現稱古青銅器時代) 之間的交流互動娓娓道來。
culture, that long era best-known today as the Great Bronze Age (c. 16th     在許多層面上,中國的慕古之風,確與意大利文藝復興
century BC-AD 220). In fact, in many ways, later China’s involvement         時期人們對古希臘羅馬史的探索,頗具異曲同工之妙。
with antiquity parallels the Italian Renaissance’s reconnection with the
ancient Greco-Roman past.                                                    時至宋代,中國的史學家和哲學家已公認青銅器時代為
By Song times, Chinese historians and philosophers had come to regard        的太平盛世。再者,他們也恰如其份地指出,這是一個
the Bronze Age as China’s Golden, or Classical, Age, viewing it as a         孕育了諸子百家的年代,而這些人物終將成為中國社
utopian era with just rulers. More importantly, they rightly recognized it   會、道德、哲學乃至政治思想的靈魂人物,諸如孔子
as the period during which lived those philosophers who would become         (公元前551–479年)、孟子 (約公元前372–289年)、老
the mainstay of Chinese social, ethical, philosophical, and even political   子 (約公元前四世紀) 和莊子 (約公元前四世紀) 等。到了
traditions: Confucius (551-479 BC), Mencius (c. 372-289 BC), Lao Zi          宋代,青銅器時代的傳世古青銅器和玉器,也順理成章
(c. fourth century BC), and Zhuang Zi (c. fourth century BC). During         地成為了這一盛世的藝術象徵。慕古之風加深了人們對
the Song dynasty, the bronzes and jades that survived from the Bronze        青銅器時代文物的熱愛,許多古青銅器和古玉珍藏遂應
Age thus became the artistic symbols of that noble age. Antiquarian          運而生。雖然書畫庋藏至少可上溯至漢代 (公元前206–
interests fred an appreciation of Bronze Age antiquities, leading to the     公元220年),但論及系統的文物收藏,則要待到好古之
formation of collections of ancient bronzes and jades. Although works of     風尤熾的北宋 (公元960–1127年) 始正式發端。
painting and calligraphy had been collected at least since the Han dynasty
(206 BC-AD 220), the systematic collecting of antiquities had to await       文人雅士除了庋藏古青銅器外,更會在特殊場合用之焚
the deep interest in antiquity that came in the Northern Song (AD 960-       香、插花,譬如把古人祭祖時盛放祭食的簋當作香爐使
1127).                                                                       用 ,或將原先祭祖時盛酒的喇叭形口觚和尊用作花瓶。
The literati not only collected ancient bronzes but, on special occasions,   求,終催生了始於北宋的後仿青銅器時代。
used them as incense burners and fower vases—that is, they pressed into
service as censers the bronze gui vessels that in antiquity were used for    宋代青銅器大多脫胎於古器形,然其裝飾來源頗多變
offerings of food to the spirits of deceased ancestors, just as they used    化,從古代器物以至其他材質的較近期作品,不一而
as fower vases the trumpet-mouthed gu and zun vessels that originally        足;它們的紋飾佈局通常結合了不同時期和地域的題
were designed for offerings of wine to those same spirits. The collecting    材。然而,最受歡迎的紋飾一般仍來自古代器物,如獸
of ancient bronzes and the desire to own related pieces thus sparked the     面長尾鳥狀的饕餮紋。元代 (公元1279–1368年) 青銅器
beginning of a later bronze age beginning during the Northern Song.          胎體偏薄,大多滿飾錦紋;形制方面迭有創新,以發揮
Song bronzes typically imitate the shapes of ancient bronzes, though         初鑄造的非御製青銅器,側重用紋飾帶與光素器表形成
their ornament derives from a variety sources, from ancient vessels          鮮明的對比。至於宋、元和明初的青銅器,則常採用多
to more recent works in other media; their decorative schemes often          組細線狀玄紋為飾。
combine motifs from disparate periods and places. Even so, the favored
motifs typically include those of ancient vessels, such as the taotie, or    明宣德 (公元1426–1435年) 的御製青銅器,堪稱歷代後
monster, mask and long-tailed birds. Thinly cast, Yuan dynasty (1279-        仿青銅器中的圭臬之作,並以優美的形制、精巧的錯金
1368) bronzes often feature all-over diaper patterns; new shapes appeared    銀工藝、偶爾為之的鎏金和一流的鑄工而聞名於世。誠
to serve new functions, and old shapes accepted modifcations to ft           然,自清代以降,中國學者便常用「宣爐」或「宣德
new tastes. Non-imperial bronzes of the early Ming show a preference         爐」泛指後仿青銅器,足證宣德青銅器地位之高。根據
for surfaces with decorated areas contrasting with unembellished ones.       為數不多的傳世品看來,御製宣德青銅器一般銘「宣德
The decoration of such Song, Yuan, and early Ming bronzes typically          年製」四字款,或「大明宣德年製」六字款。
comprises a network of fne, thread-relief lines.
Imperially commissioned bronzes from the Xuande reign (1426-1435)            的塊範法,失蠟法更簡捷有效。除了錯金或錯銀之作,
of the Ming dynasty ranked among the most exquisite of all later             宋、元、明初青銅器的紋飾通常是連器渾鑄而成。明代
bronzes, admired for their elegant shapes, delicate inlays, occasional       中葉起,青銅器紋飾大多採用冷加工 (即鑄造後再行鏨
gilding, and perfect casting. Indeed, from Qing times onward, Chinese
scholars have generically referred to all later bronzes as Xuanlu or Xuande
lu, that is, as “Xuan censers” or “Xuande censers”, a testament to the
high regard in which such bronzes are held. The few surviving examples
indicate that imperially commissioned Xuande bronzes typically have
four- or six-character reign marks reading Xuande nian zhi or Da Ming
Xuande nian zhi.

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