Page 98 - CHRISTIE'S Marchant Nine Decades of Chinese Art 09/14/17
P. 98


    Lakeside Idyll – A Massive Yongzheng Lidded Jar

    A light boat with short oars - West Lake is good.                              輕舟短棹西湖好
    A gentle curve in the green water,                                             綠水逶迤
    Fragrant grass along the dyke,                                                 芳草長堤
    The faint sound of pipes and song follows me everywhere.                       隱隱笙歌處處隨

    Ouyang Xiu (AD 1007-1072)                                                               歐陽修 (AD 1007-1072)

    This magnifcent jar is a superb example of the heights which                   此罐秀美絕倫,可見只要能工巧匠手邊的粉彩各色
             could be reached by highly skilled ceramic decorators when            俱全,兼具像本拍品般充裕的「畫布」,其藝術成
             they had at their disposal the full palette of famille rose colours,  就竟可如此輝煌。必須一提的是,本罐所有輔助紋
    and extensive ‘canvas’ provided by large jars of this type. It is notable      飾帶的大小和數目皆調度有方,以便為畫師提供最
    that all minor bands on this jar were restricted in size and number, in        大的創作空間,來描繪西湖勝景及其間形形色色的
    order to allow the artist the maximum area over which to dispose the           有趣人物。
    lakeside scene and the fascinating cast of characters who inhabit it.
    Although there are relatively few of them, the minor bands are                 精細。罐足有一周繁而不亂的纏枝葉紋,綴以粉紅
    nevertheless exquisitely conceived, and painted with exceptional               色朵蓮。肩與蓋沿各繪一周細膩工緻的錦紋,每格
    skill. Around the foot of the vessel is a delicate, complex band               錦紋內再用細筆勾勒一粉紅朵花。這些紋飾帶還添
    of scrolling foliage, punctuated by pink lotus blossoms. Around                加了罕見的折枝四季花卉元素,即梅花、牡丹、蓮
    the shoulder of the vase and around the upper edge of the cover                花和菊花,各花畫工優美自然,恍若鑲嵌於錦紋地
    are beautifully painted lattice bands. In each cell of the lattice is a        上。這些折枝花自然寫實,與端莊規整的錦紋形成
    stylized pink fower-head created using a very fne brush. An unusual            了鮮明的對比。器頸白地上,襯以疏密有致、交錯
    addition to these bands are sprays of the fowers of the four seasons           出現的折枝菊花和牡丹。除了金彩寶珠頂,器身和
    – prunus, peony, lotus and chrysanthemum – each beautifully and                罐蓋其餘的裝飾空間,俱用於呈現一派生機盎然的
    naturalistically painted as if overlaid on the lattice. These foral sprays     湖畔風光。
    create a particularly pleasing contrast between the formality of the
    lattice and the naturalism of the fowers. Around the neck of the vase          其實,這些生活場景很可能是在湖畔或河岸上演,
    are well-spaced sprays of alternating chrysanthemum and peony on a             但湖畔的可能性略高,因為關於名湖的文學和繪畫
    plain white ground. Apart from the gilded bud-shaped fnial on the              典故多不勝數,本文篇首歐陽修詞中歌頌的杭州西
    cover, all the remaining decorative space on the jar and its cover is          湖便是一例。此幅山水圖的所有元素,從彼岸的
    given over to the lively lakeside scenes.                                      遠山,乃至近景的湖石、堤岸和木橋,無不畫意綿
    In truth, the scenes could equally represent life along either a lake          男子正舉盃暢飲,品嚐各色小食。羽狀蘆花使堤岸
    shore or a riverbank, but the lake shore seems marginally more likely          線條更加柔和,而松、竹和花叢則豐富了山水的色
    given the preponderance of literary and painted references to famous           彩、質感和層次。圖中舫艇如鯽,或泊於岸邊,或
    lakes, such as West Lake in Hangzhou – the subject of Ouyang Xiu’s             水面徐行,仿如各色人等的流動舞台,構成器身一
    poem, quoted at the beginning of this note. All the elements of the            道亮麗的風景。
    landscape are well-painted, from the hills along the distant shore, to
    the rocks, banks and wooden bridges of the foreground. Trees and               顯而易見,徜徉此間的人們均來自某個漁村,但一
    other plants are shown in profusion, with the gnarled willow tree              切看來歌舞昇平,渾無風霜困苦的痕跡。孩子們皆
    providing shelter for the group of men who sit drinking convivial              笑意盈盈、健康豐足,所有人俱衣履光鮮,大家總
    cups of wine and eating a variety of snacks beneath it. The feathery           的來說都悠閒愜意、各適其適。船上一名婦女正給
    fronds of the reeds soften the edges of the banks, while pines, bamboo
    and fowering shrubs all add colour, texture and structure to the
    landscape. The numerous boats, either tied up along the shore or
    cruising along on the water, provide a platform for much of the
    human activity with which this jar is richly illustrated.

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