Page 21 - Sotheby's Fine Chinese Art NYC September 2023
P. 21
This present box with its phoenix design and formal diaper The top of the present cover is decorated with a meticulously
borders showcases an exciting combination of archaism drawn phoenix roundel which is a pattern also found on other
and innovation in Kangxi imperial porcelain. Throughout Kangxi imperial wares. See for example, a cup of Kangxi mark
the Kangxi period, the imitation of porcelain from previous and period, illustrated in Chen Runmin ed., Qing Shunzhi
dynasties was one of the key themes in the production of Kangxi chao qinghua ci [Blue and White Porcelain from Qing
the imperial kilns. The form of this box originates from an Shunzhi and Kangxi Period], Beijing, 2005, pl. 158. However,
ancient lacquer prototype, but tiered porcelain boxes can it is unusual for the design to be contained within formal
also be traced back at least to the mid-Ming dynasty. Two borders, as seen on the present piece, which further enhances
three-tiered boxes of the mid-late Ming period are found in the the circular form of the entire box. Similarly, the hare-shaped
collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing. The first, attributed feet are also extremely rare and make references to the bear-
to the Zhengde period, resting on a ring foot and painted with form feet commonly seen on Han archaic bronzes, see several
figures in landscapes, is illustrated in Geng Baochang ed., examples of gilt bronze zun illustrated in Zhongguo qingtongqi
Qinghua youli hong (zhong) / Blue and White Porcelain with quanji [Complete Collection of Chinese Bronzes], vol. 12,
Underglazed Red (II), Shanghai, 2000, pl. 52; the second, Beijing, 1998, pls 39–45.
attributed to the Wanli period, similarly resting on a ring
foot but decorated with floral sprigs in cartouches against Compare a related polychrome box and cover with an
a geometric pattern ground, is illustrated in Zhongguo taoci archaistic pattern of kui dragons between similar diaper
quanji / The Complete Works of Chinese Ceramics, vol. 12, borders on a yellow ground, of Kangxi mark and period, sold
Shanghai, 1999, pl. 197 (accession no. 故00145733). in our London rooms, 8th June 1993, lot 83. Similarly resting
on three bear-shaped feet, it was perhaps formerly also a
tiered box, now with some missing tiers. See another related
Kangxi example with a dragon design but with a ring foot,
illustrated in Chen Runmin, op.cit., pl. 187.