Page 26 - Christie's Hong Kong May 31, 2017 Important Chinese Ceramics and Art
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3006 Continued

    The present dish is from the Kuroda Family Collection. The Kuroda clan    此盤曾為日本黑田家族珍藏。黑田一支發源於播磨國,先後為織田及豐
    originated in Harima Province, and served first the Ota and then the      臣家族效力。黑田孝高(1547-1604年)因出任謀臣有功,1587年獲封
    Toyotomi clans. For his service as a strategist, Kuroda Yoshitaka (1546-  中津城。黑田孝高既是豊臣秀吉的得力軍師,也是茶聖千利休(1522-
    1604) was granted the lordship of Nakatsu Castle in 1587. Not only was    1591年) 的好友,並親自撰文闡述茶道。
    Kuroda Yoshitaka the chief strategist to Toyotomi Hideyoshi, he also
    became a friend of the famous tea master Sen no Rikyu (1522-1591),        此類直徑逾60公分的龍泉大盤十分少見,形作菱花式者更為珍罕。五件尺
    and wrote a treatise on the principles of tea.                            寸相仿的近似例經著錄,包括全球公私博物館所藏四件:中國國家博物館
    Longquan chagers exceeding 60 cm. in diametre are extremely rare,         海,2007年,圖版112號;日本根津美術館一件,載於《根津美術館藏
    and it is even more exceptional to find one with a barbed-rim. Five       品シリーズ4:青磁》,東京,1977年;及日本出光美術館兩件,著錄
    similar examples of comparable size are known, four of which are in       於《出光美術館藏品目錄—中國陶瓷》,東京,1987年,圖版594及595
    museums worldwide: one in the National Museum of China, published         號;及玫茵堂舊藏一件,於香港蘇富比2011年10月5日拍賣,拍品7號。
    in Zhongguo Guojia Bowuguan guancang wenwu yanjiu congshu:                另參考托普卡比藏一件略小的一例(57公分),見《Chinese Ceramics in
    ciqi juan (Mingdai), Shanghai, 2007, pl. 112, another in the Nezu Art     the Topkapi Saray Museum》,第1冊,伊斯坦堡,圖版245。
    Museum, illustrated in Nezu Bijutsukan zōhin shirizu 4: Seiji, Tokyo,
    1977, and two in the Idemitsu Museum of Arts, included in Chinese
    Ceramics in the Idemitsu Collection, Tokyo, 1987, pls. 594 and 595; and
    one formerly in the Meiyintang Collection, was sold at Sotheby’s Hong
    Kong, 5 October 2011, lot 7. Compare also to a slightly smaller (57 cm.)
    dish in the Topkapi Saray Museum, illustrated in Chinese Ceramics in
    the Topkapi Saray Museum, Istanbul, London, 1986, vol. 1, no. 245.

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