Page 34 - Christie's Hong Kong May 31, 2017 Important Chinese Ceramics and Art
P. 34

fig. 1 Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing  fig. 2 The National Palace Museum Collection,  fig. 3 Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing
                    圖一 北京故宮博物院藏品                                                                                    圖三 北京故宮博物院藏品
                                                                     圖二 國立故宮博物院藏品

    3009 Continued

    The peony scroll on the primary band is achieved by a combinative           尊撇口,長頸,圓腹,因形似石榴果實故名。此尊以雕、劃、貼的工藝
    technique of sprig-moulding and carving, and it is very likely that the     裝飾器身,口緣貼乳丁、劃花草紋、錦紋一周;頸劃靈芝紋、卷草紋;
    difficulty and time required of such process had contributed to the         肩劃毬紋錦;腹部減地拱花四組大葉牡丹花,篦紋作葉脈,隙地再填以
    rarity of this type of vases. No other vase of the same design appears      緻密的平行篦紋;近足刻細長蓮瓣紋一周。全器胎體厚重,釉色青翠
    to have been published and only a small group of similar examples are       瑩潤。
    known. The closest example is a vase in the collection of the Palace
    Museum, Beijing, which is decorated with a chrysanthemum scroll             同紋飾的石榴尊似未經著錄,同器型者亦十分少見。最為近似的一件藏
    as the primary band, illustrated by Ye Peilan, Yuandai ciqi, Beijing,       於北京故宮博物院,其腹飾纏枝菊紋,見葉佩蘭著《元代瓷器》,北京,
    1998, p. 259, no. pl. 447 (fig. 1). Compare also to three other examples    1998 年,頁 259,圖版 477(圖一)。另可比較三件腹部開光內飾折枝
    decorated with panels enclosing alternating fruiting and flowering          花果紋的例子,一載於同上,圖版 446 和《世界陶磁全集:13》,頁
    sprigs around the globular body, the first is illustrated in op. cit., p.   181,圖版 150;以及兩件紋飾相同的例子藏於台北故宮博物院,著錄於
    259, pl. 446 and in Sekai Toji Zenshu, Shogakukan Series, vol. 13,          《碧綠 – 明代龍泉窯青瓷》,台北,2009 年,頁 148-151,圖版 75(圖二)
    Japan, 1981, p. 181, pl. 150; and the other two are in the National Palace  及 76。北京故宮博物院還有一件尺寸較小(19.3 公分)光素無紋的石榴
    Museum, Taipei, and illustrated in Green-Longquan Celadon of the            尊,原藏於承德避暑山莊或瀋陽故宮,圖見黃衛文撰〈清宮舊藏明代龍
    Ming Dynasty, Taipei, 2009, pp. 148-151, pls. 75 (fig. 2) and 76. It is     泉窯青瓷研究〉一文,載於《中國古陶瓷研究輯叢 – 龍泉窯瓷器研究》,
    also interesting to compare to a smaller Longquan shiliu zun without        2013 年,頁 252,圖 14,及同書彩圖 31(圖三)。
    appliqués and carved decorations in the Palace Museum, Beijing,
    illustrated by Huang Weiwen in ‘Qinggong jiucang Mingdai Longquan
    qingci yanjiu’, The Research of Porcelain of Longquan Kilns, Beijing,
    2013, p. 252, fig. 14, and col. pl. 31 (fig. 3).

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