Page 42 - Christie's Hong Kong May 31, 2017 Important Chinese Ceramics and Art
P. 42

3011 Continued

    The present dish belongs to an extremely rare group of dishes dating        此盤屬於萬曆時期的剔黃漆器,極為珍罕。其他類似的晚明例子,均
    to the late Ming period predominantly decorated in brownish-yellow          在近百年來被藏家視為工藝非凡的收藏品。兩岸故宮皆有似例。台北
    lacquer. All known examples from this group display the very highest        故宮博物院有三只萬曆剔黃漆器,載於《龢光剔彩:故宮藏漆》,台
    standard of workmanship and for centuries have been held in extremely       北,2008年,圖版91、97和100。當中包括一件剔黃山海龍鳳花卉紋圓
    high regard among collectors of lacquer. Most extant examples of            盤、一件剔黃山海雲龍紋盤、及一件剔黃雙龍雲紋長方盤。另可參考該
    this group are either in the Palace Museum Collection, Beijing, or the      展展出一件與此件拍品同樣具雙龍戲珠圖案的剔紅龍紋圓盤,見同書圖
    National Palace Museum, Taipei. Three yellow and red lacquer pieces         版96號。北京故宮藏品中,亦有一件和上述台北故宮典藏近乎相同的剔
    in the National Palace Museum Taipei were included in the exhibition,       黃龍鳳戲珠紋漆盤,載於《故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集:元明漆器》,
    Carving the Subtle Radiance of Colors: Treasured Lacquer Ware in the        香港,2006年,頁211,圖版168。
    National Palace Museum, Taipei, 2008, nos. 91, 97 and 100. These
    include a circular dish with a dragon and phoenix, a circular dish with a   此外,與台北故宮收藏中單龍圖案相同的例子,亦見於加納爵士伉儷收
    single dragon, and a rectangular tray with a pair of confronted dragons,    藏,載於1957年出版的《The Arts of the Ming Dynasty》展覽圖錄,圖版
    respectively. Also in the exhibition is a red lacquer dish of very similar  264號,及1973年大英博物館出版的《Chinese and Associated Lacquer from
    design to the present example, carved with one dragon in ascent, the        the Garner Collection》展覽圖錄,倫敦,圖版32a,73號。
    other in descent, see no. 96. A nearly identical dish to no. 91 from the
    aforementioned exhibition is in the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated     剔黃漆器向來受日本藏家高度重視,私人收藏中偶見與此拍品類似的例
    in Lacquer Wares of the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, The Complete               子,包括曾為蟹仙洞博物館藏品,出現在香港佳士得2011年9月17日拍
    Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum, Hong Kong, 2006, p.           賣,拍品548號的漆盤;一件曾屬長谷川憲三藏品,於2014年9月16至17
    211, no. 168; and one very similar to no. 97 is in the Sir Harry and Lady   日香港蘇富比拍賣,拍品548號的萬曆剔黃漆盤,以及2013年10月8日,
    Garner Collection, and included in the 1957 Oriental Ceramics Society       拍品160號來自坂本五郎收藏的萬曆剔彩海水游龍紋長方蓋盒。
    Exhibition, Arts of the Ming Dynasty, pl. 264, and in the 1973 British
    Museum exhibition of Chinese and Associated Lacquer from the Garner
    Collection, London, illustrated, pl. 32a, no. 73.

    Yellow lacquer is also very highly prized in Japan, and a number of
    examples of similar design to the present dish were preserved in
    private collections, including a dish with a single ascending dragon
    from the Kaisendo Museum Collection, sold at Christie's Hong Kong, 1
    June 2011, lot 3572. Compare also to a similar three-coloured cinnabar
    lacquer box of Wanli period from the collection of Sakamoto Goro, sold
    at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 8 October 2013, lot 160, and a yellow lacquer
    rectangular tray with similar decoration from the Kenzo Hasegawa
    Collection, sold at Sotheby’s New York, 16-17 September 2014, lot 548.

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