Page 31 - Tibetan Thangka Painting Methodsand Mat, Jackson
P. 31

aspect or manifestation of the same central deity. The  tree in the sky (or sometimes seated around the main
             lesser figures were arranged in vertical and horizontal  figure in a circle) was depicted the line of teachers
             columns and usually were painted only in outline.  through whom the lineage had been transmitted to one's
             The number of these smaller figures was often between  immediate teacher. In the sky below the main branches
             one and two hundred and their size would be anywhere  of the tree there dwelled a host of protectors and
             from half to one fifth of the size of the main deity.  guardians.
             Such thangkas did not contain a background landscape  Assembly Fields
             but were usually painted with either a red or black
             background and with the smaller figures painted in gold  Thangkas or murals called "assembly fields" also served
             outline. Occasionally the background was painted in  as a help for the meditator in some traditions to visualize
             gold and the figures in this case would be outlined in  the totality of his lineage. Here again a great many
             red. The main figure was usually painted in full colour,  figures were pictured, but not with the same spatial
             although sometimes this would also be an outline paint-  orientation as in the refuge tree. The assembly field was
             ing with only certain parts of the deity rendered in  a group of exalted beings who were worshipped and
             colour. Such compositions were commissioned because  to whom offerings were made. The group constituted a
             there was felt to be greater merit in numbers; by multi-  special "field" (zhing) in relation to which the meditator
             plying the number of figures the patron also multiplied  could greatly increase his "assembly" (tshogs) of merit.
             the force of his merit or the force of the deity to  The Dge-tugs-pa tradition produced most of the thangkas
             counteract a threatening obstacle or problem.   of this type, including those of the Graduated Path
                                                             (lam  rim) and Guru Worship (bla rna mchod pa)
                                                             practices. 4    .
                  Compositions That Depict Lineages              Assembly-field paintings contained a characteristic
                  Another type of group composition that involved  placement of their figures. The main, central figure
              a main figure with a retinue portrayed the complete  occupied the central pinnacle of a lotus seat, and he was
              transmission lineage of a particular religious teaching.  surrounded by descending concentric rows of exalted
              Nowadays the two most common varieties are the so-  beings. Each row or group of rows below the main
              called "refuge trees" and the "assembly fields" (tshogs  figure consisted of figures belonging to one of eight
             zhing). For the religious practitioner these paintings  classes of beings. In their descending order these were:
              embodied the whole lineage through which the tradition  1.  Gurus
              descended,  from  its  ultimate  origin down to the
                                                                 2.   Yi-dams
              practitioner's own teacher. Such paintings could be  3.  Buddhas
              used by a meditator in the tradition as a support for his  4.  Bodhisattvas
              or her visualizations.                              5.  Pratyekabuddhas
              Refuge Trees                                       6.   Sravakas/Sthaviras
                                                                 7.   pakas
              The "refuge tree" depicts the objects or beings in which
                                                                 8.   Dharmapalas
              the practitioner takes refuge (skyabs su gro ba'i yul);
              that is to say it represents the beings and things in which  In the sky above the main figure there were three
              the Buddhist places his trust as preparation for and as an  separate assemblies of teachers. The teaching lineage
              actual  part  of  religious  practice.  3  The  common  of the tantric empowerments and practices constituted
              "refuges"  of Buddhism are the Three Jewels: the  the central group. On the main figure's right there was
              Buddha, Dharma and Sanga. In Vajrayana Buddhism  the "Lineage of the Vast Conduct" (rgya chen spyod
              bestowers of refuge also include the gurus (both one's  brgyud), the lineage of the Yogacara Mahayana descend-
              immediate  teacher and the earlier teachers of the  ing from Maitreyanatha and Asanga. On the other side
              lineage), yi-dam deities, <;Jakas and <;Jakilfls, and the  was the "Lineage of the Profound View" (zab mo ita
              protectors of the Dharma.                      brgyud),  the  Madhyamaka  tradition coming down
                  Usually the givers of refuge were envisioned as  through Manjusrl and Nagarjuna.
              dwelling in a great "wish-fulfilling tree" (dpag bsam gyi  At the. bottom of the composition, beneath the
              shing). In the center was one's teacher in the form of the  great lotus seat, there existed lesser deities who were not
              main figure, whose identity depended on the particular  refuges, such as the four great guardian kings, the great
              tradition being practiced. Then on branches of the tree,  worldly gods Brahma and Indra, and a number of
              which radiated out to the four cardinal points, were  goddesses making offerings. Finally, to indicate the
              seated four of the other "refuges". In practices 'stem-  relationship of a practitioner to this vast assembly, a
              ming from new-translation-era Tantras one might find  monk was often depicted in a lower corner making a
              yi-dam deifies on the front branch, Buddhas on the  symbolical offering of the universe and its contents in
              branch to the main figure's right (i.e. to the left with  the form of a malf<;Jala.
              relation to the viewer), the Dharma in the form ?f a
              stack of sacred scriptures to the rear, and the Arya
              Sangha in the form of a group of monks and bodhi-
              sattvas on the branch to the main figure's left. Above the

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