Page 147 - Sotheby's Important Chinese Art, Sept. 21-22, 2-21, NYC
P. 147
68 of natural ovoid form, carved in high relief with a stem
A FAMILLE-ROSE AND GILT PURSE-FORM are delicately painted to imitate metalwork in enamel and emerging from the top end and issuing leaves over the
‘FLOWER AND POEM’ SNUFF BOTTLE gilt. The depiction of the flowers and faux-metal border are shoulder and body, a butterfly in lower relief fluttering
near the largest leaves, the base naturalistically lobed and
DATED QIANLONG BINGSHEN YEAR, executed in the same quality and manner as a snuff bottle drawing to a central dimple, the interior well hollowed, the
in the collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing (coll. no. 故
CORRESPONDING TO 1776 00152781), which bears a four-character Qianlong mark stone a creamy white tone, stopper (2)
of flattened teardrop shape with broad proportions, one on the base, and is published in Gugong biyanhu xuancui / Height 2⅛ in., 5.4 cm
side delicately painted with leafy peony branches bearing Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing, PROVENANCE
resplendent pink and red blooms above rockwork below, the 1995, pl. 161. A related snuff bottle also attributed to the The Abbott Collection.
opposite side with a four-verse imperial poem accompanied late Qianlong period and bearing an imperial poem on one Anderson Galleries, New York, 16th-17th February 1917, lot 8.
by the Emperor’s name, the date, and two seals, the side and similarly-painted flowers on the opposite, but with
perimeter of bottle bordered by a raised flange imitating a a polychrome floral border and a four-character Qianlong Collection of Kenyon V. Painter, Sr. (1867-1940) and Maud
metal seam and painted along the narrow sides and neck in mark on the base, was sold at Christie’s New York, 26th Wyeth Painter (1885-1971), and thence by descent.
brown and gilt enamel imitating chased metal, the ends of March 2004, lot 104. $ 4,000-6,000
the flange at the neck pierced for suspension, stopper (2) The ‘purse’ shape of the present snuff bottle is also seen in
Width 2 in., 5.1 cm three other snuff bottles attributed to the latter part of the
Qianlong-Jiaqing period: a turquoise-glazed bottle published 清十八 / 十九世紀初 白玉雕瓜瓞綿綿圖鼻
PROVENANCE in Hugh Moss, Victor Graham and Ka Bo Tsang, A Treasury 煙壺
Collection of Kenyon V. Painter, Sr. (1867-1940) and Maud of Chinese Snuff Bottles: The Mary and George Bloch
Wyeth Painter (1885-1971), and thence by descent. Collection, vol. 6, pt. 2, Hong Kong, 2007, no. 1167, and later 來源:
The inscribed side of the bottle begins with the Emperor’s name sold in our Hong Kong rooms, 1st June 2015, lot 206; a blue Abbott 收藏
and the cyclical year bingshen (corresponding to 1776) followed and white bottle, also from the Bloch Collection, published Anderson Galleries,紐約,1917年2月16至17日,編號8 69
by a four-verse poem all in black enamel, then two seals in red in ibid., no. 1284; and a famille-verte ‘dragon’ bottle from the Kenyon V. Painter, Sr. (1867-1940) 及 Maud Wyeth
reading san (‘three’) and Long (the second character of the Ruth and Carl Barron Collection sold at Christie’s New York, Painter (1885-1971) 伉儷收藏,此後家族傳承
Emperor’s name). The poem is an extract from a set of twelve 15th September 2015, lot 201.
poems the Qianlong Emperor inscribed on an album of flower
paintings by the court artist, Zou Yigui (1686-1772) titled Ti $ 10,000-15,000
Zou Yigui huahui shier fu. The Emperor composed the poems
before February 1794, and they are recorded in Qing Gaozong 清乾隆丙申年(1776年) 粉彩描金牡丹圖
yuzhi shiwen quanji [Anthology of imperial Qianlong Poems], 御題詩鼻煙壺 70
Leshantang quanji dingben [Definitive Edition of the Complete
Works by His Majesty from the Hall of Pleasure in Goodness], 御題詩文: A CANTON ENAMEL POUCH-FORM ‘FISH-
juan 28, ye 9. The same poem extract appears on a famille-rose 薄縠輕綃麗午風 畫堂人靜暮春融 DRAGON’ SNUFF BOTTTLE
hexagonal brushpot from the Edward T. Chow Collection, sold 重門難把芳心綰 獨露一枝深院東
at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 8th October 2013, lot 3033; and on 印文:乾 隆 QING DYNASTY, LATE KANGXI - EARLY
another brushpot of the same type sold first at Christie’s Hong QIANLONG PERIOD
Kong, 2nd October 1991, lot 1711, and later in our Hong Kong 來源: of oblong form comprised of two hammered copper alloy
rooms, 5th October 2011, lot 2068. Kenyon V. Painter, Sr. (1867-1940) 及 Maud Wyeth halves joined along a raised seam, each side richly painted
The opposite side of the snuff bottle is painted with Painter (1885-1971) 伉儷收藏,此後家族傳承 with a turquoise fish-dragon pursuing a beribboned ruyi
blossoming peony among rockwork, and the narrow sides scepter amidst scrolling auspicious flowers and fruits all
against a yellow ground, all beneath blue petal lappets at the
shoulder and a pink scrollwork band at the neck, two loop
handles at the shoulder, stopper (2)
Length 2 in., 5.1 cm
Collection of A.W. Bahr (1877-1959).
American Art Galleries, New York, 17th-19th January 1916,
lot 19.
Collection of Kenyon V. Painter, Sr. (1867-1940) and Maud
Wyeth Painter (1885-1971), and thence by descent.
$ 6,000-8,000
清康熙末至乾隆初 銅胎畫琺瑯魚龍紋荷包
巴爾 (1877-1959) 收藏 70
American Art Galleries,紐約,1916年1月17至19日,
Kenyon V. Painter, Sr. (1867-1940) 及 Maud Wyeth
(Two views)
Painter (1885-1971) 伉儷收藏,此後家族傳承