Page 23 - Sotheby's Important Chinese Art, Sept. 21-22, 2-21, NYC
P. 23
Fig. 1 An archaic bronze vessel (ding) excavated from the Fu Hao tomb
© Cultural Relics Press, Beijing
圖一 婦好墓出土青銅鼎 © 文物出版社,北京 Fig. 2 A pair of archaic bronze vessels (ding) © Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto
圖二 青銅鼎一對 © 皇家安大略博物館,多倫多
One other similar pair of ding is recorded, with only minor 比較另一對鼎例,與本品紋飾差別細微,現藏於多倫 The present pair of vessels is recorded since 1957 and its 此對鼎於1957年已見經出版,其銘文更是被多部金石
differences in the decoration, in the Royal Ontario Museum, 多皇家安大略博物館,圖載於《皇家安大略省博物 inscriptions are included in many publications. Reading ‘zi 著作所收錄。鼎鑄銘文「子龔」二字,或為人名或為
Toronto, illustrated in Royal Ontario Museum. The T. T. Tsui 館:徐展堂中國藝術館》,多倫多,1996年,圖版12 gong’, the inscriptions comprise the graphs for ‘son’, zi, 族氏,其作器者或為商末王子。兩鼎之銘「龔」字上
Galleries of Chinese Art, Toronto, 1996, pl. 12 (fig. 2). and ‘to offer as tribute’, gong, but are here probably used
Otherwise the design appears to be known only from single (圖二)。除此之外,同類紋飾者僅見於單鼎作例, as a title and name, ‘Prince Gong’. They are written with 半部為「龍」,雙龍相對,左右對稱,足證此二鼎成
vessels, such as a ding sold in our Hong Kong rooms, 其一售於香港蘇富比1973 年 11 月 16 日,編號18 , the pictographic ‘dragon’ 龍 element in the graph gong 龔 對無疑。
16th November 1973, lot 18, later at J.J. Lally, New York, 後易手於紐約藍理捷,之後再售於紐約佳士得2014 drawn in mirror image on the two vessels, the confronting
and at Christie’s New York, 20th March 2014, lot 2009. 年3月20日,編號2009。另比一例,出自Cunliffe pair of dragons emphasizing the firm bond between the
A related ding from the collection of Lord Cunliffe has the 勛 爵 收 藏, 參 考 W i l l i a m W a t so n ,《 A n c i e n t twin vessels.
design band centered on a single eye motif instead of masks,
see William Watson, Ancient Chinese Bronzes, London, Chinese Bronzes》,倫敦,1962年(1977年再
1962 (rev. ed. 1977), pl. 13b, and Parke Bernet, New York, 版),圖版13b,並售於蘇富比Parke Bernet,
5th November 1977, lot 57. 紐約,1977 年 11 月 5 日,編號 57。