Page 268 - Sotheby's Important Chinese Art, Sept. 21-22, 2-21, NYC
P. 268

202                                                                     204
                                                                           A BISCUIT-GLAZED FAMILLE-VERTE ‘DUCKS’                                  A FAMILLE-ROSE ‘PEONY’ WATERPOT
                                                                           BOWL                                                                    REPUBLIC PERIOD
                                                                           20TH CENTURY                                                            the compressed globular body rising from a narrow tapering
                                                                           the rounded body resting on a straight foot rising to a slightly        foot to high rounded shoulders and an incurved rim,
                                                                           everted rim, the exterior painted with a continuous scene of            enameled on one side with peony branches in varying stages
                                                                           ducks resting amongst rockwork against a turquoise ground,              of bloom, centering a lush pink blossom with delicately
                                                                           the base inscribed with an apocryphal six-character Kangxi              shaded and frilled petals, set against broad pointed leaves
                                                                           mark in underglaze blue                                                 in two shades of green, with insects flying nearby, the base
                                                                           Diameter 3⅞ in., 10 cm                                                  with a Hongxian yuzhi mark in iron-red enamel
                                                                                                                                                   Diameter 5¼ in., 13.4 cm
                                                                           Ch’ing Polychrome Exhibition, The Oriental Ceramic Society              PROVENANCE
                                                                           of Hong Kong, Fung Ping Shan Museum, Hong Kong, 1977,                   Collection of Kenneth R. Malcolm (1908-1984), coll. no. 180.
                                                                           cat. no. 36.
                                                                           Exhibition of Ancient Chinese Ceramics from the Collection of           LITERATURE
                                                                           the Kau Chi Society of Chinese Art, Art Gallery, The Chinese            Loan Exhibition of the Ch’ing Dynasty, Oriental Ceramic Society
                                                                           University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 1981, cat. no. 145.                 and The Arts Council Gallery, London, 1964, cat. no. 245.
                                                                           $ 6,000-8,000                                                           $ 6,000-8,000

                                                                           二十世紀   素三彩鴛鴦蘆葦圖盌
                                                                           《大清康熙年製》仿款                                                              民國   粉彩牡丹圖水盂
                                       202                                 《清代彩瓷》,香港東方陶瓷學會,香港大學馮平山                                                 來源:                                                               204
                                                                           博物館,香港,1977年,編號36                                                       Kenneth R. Malcolm (1908-1984) 收藏,收藏編號180
                                                                           《求知雅集珍藏•中國古陶瓷展》,香港中文大學文                                                 展覽:
                                                                           物館,香港,1981年,編號145                                                       《Loan Exhibition of the Ch’ing Dynasty》,東方陶瓷
                                                                                                                                                   學會及 The Arts Council Gallery,倫敦,1964年,編

                                                                           203                                                                     205
                                                                           A MIRROR-BLACK-GLAZED AND GILT-                                         A PAIR OF LATER-ENAMELED FAMILLE-ROSE
                                                                           DECORATED ‘LANDSCAPE’ VASE                                              ‘FLORAL’ BOWLS
                                                                           QING DYNASTY, 19TH CENTURY                                              MARKS AND PERIOD OF YONGZHENG
                                                                           the elongated ovoid body swelling to high rounded shoulders             each with deep rounded sides rising from a straight foot,
                                                                           and sweeping into a tall flaring neck and everted rim,                  the exteriors later-enameled with peonies on leafy stems
                                                                           the exterior glazed a glossy black and gilt-painted with                entwined amidst other flowers with butterflies in flight, the
                                                                           a continuous idyllic lakeside scene, with two gentlemen                 base inscribed with a six-character mark within a double
                                                                           conversing by the banks accompanied by an attendant, a                  circle in underglaze blue (2)
                                                                           fisherman on his sampan on the water, a thatched hut in the             Diameter 4 in., 10.2 cm
                                                                           distance, all surrounded by craggy cliffs, rolling hills, and
                                                                           towering trees, the neck similarly decorated with a fisherman           PROVENANCE
                                                                           casting a rod                                                           Christie’s New York, 3rd June 1993, lot 294.
                                                                           Height 19⅝ in., 49.8 cm                                                 For a prototype of this design, compare a Yongzheng
                                                                                                                                                   mark and period famille-rose enameled bowl in the Baur
                                                                                                                                                   Collection, illustrated in John Ayers, The Baur Collection
                                                                           Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 9th November 1982, lot 269.                        Geneva: Chinese Ceramics, vol. 4, Geneva, 1964, pl. A599.
                                                                           $ 10,000-15,000                                                         $ 2,000-3,000

                                                                           清十九世紀   烏金釉描金山水人物圖瓶                                                     清雍正   後加彩粉彩牡丹圖盌一對
                                                                           來源:                                                                     《大清雍正年製》款
                                                                                                                                                   紐約佳士得1993年6月3日,編號294                                             205


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