Page 58 - Sotheby's Important Chinese Art, Sept. 21-22, 2-21, NYC
P. 58
AN IMPORTANT AND RARE SET OF ARCHAIC Feng Shi, ‘Wo Fang ding mingwen yu xizhou sangdianli’, 西周初 否叔尊、觚、爵及觶一組六件 吳鎮烽,《商周青銅器銘文暨圖像集成》,卷15、18
BRONZE RITUAL VESSELS Kaogu xuebao / Acta Archaeologica Sinica, vol. 2, Beijing, 尊:否叔獻彝 疾不已 爲母宗彝則備 用遣母 、19及21,上海,2012年,編號07682、07683、09804
EARLY WESTERN ZHOU DYNASTY 2013, p. 205 (unillustrated). 觚:否用遣母 (陽文)及 用遣母 (陽文) 、09805、10153及11771
Li Chuntao, ‘Pishuzhuqi mingwen jieshi – jiantan guren
comprising a zun, decorated around the body with a guannianzhongde zuxianzuosui xianxiang [Explaining the 爵:用遣 馮時,〈我方鼎銘文與西周喪奠禮〉,《考古學報》
narrow band of kuilong interrupted by raised beast masks, inscriptions of the Pi Shu vessels – the phenomenon of 觶:遣 ,期2,北京,2013年,頁205(無圖)
the interior cast with a seventeen-character inscription haunting by ancestors in the perception of ancient people]’, 來源: 李春桃,〈否叔諸器銘文解釋-兼談古人觀念中的祖
translating to ‘Pi Shu makes an offering of this set of Shang Zhou qingtongqi yu jinwenyanjiu xueshuyantaohui 先作祟現象〉,《商周青銅器與金文研究學術研討會
vessels. He diligently prepared this set of ritual vessels for lunwenji [Symposium on the academic study of Shang and 滙寶閣古美術,香港,1997年 論文集》,鄭州,2017年,頁180至198
his mother. The vessels are to be sent together with his Zhou dynasties archaic bronze and bronze inscriptions], 出版: 付強,〈青銅「遣器」小考〉,《復旦大學出土文
mother. X [clan sign]’; a pair of gu each decorated with a Zhengzhou, 2017, pp 180-198. 張光裕,〈西周遣器新識——否叔尊銘之啟示〉,《
pair of abstract taotie masks centered by vertical flanges, Fu Qiang, ‘Qingtong ‘qianqi’ xiaokao [Study of archaic bronze 獻與古文字研究中心(網站)》,上海,2017年(
one cast to the interior base in relief with a simplified version ‘burial vessels’]’, Fudan University Research on Chinese 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》,第七十本,第三 尊銘文)
of the inscription comprising five characters, and the other Excavated Classics and Paleography (website), Shanghai, 分,台北,1999年,頁771、773及774 吳鎮烽,〈論青銅器中的「行器」及其相關器物〉,
comprising four characters; a pair of jue each decorated 2017 (zun inscription). 劉雨及盧岩編,《近出殷周金文集錄》,冊三,北 《復旦大學出土文獻與古文字研究中心(網站)》,
around the body with a narrow band of upright blade motifs, Wu Zhenfeng, ‘Lun qingtonqi zhongde ‘xingqi’ jiqi xiangguan 京,2002年,圖版637、646、754、755、850及851 上海,2018年(無圖)
cast to one finial post with yong and underneath the handle qiwu [Studying of the ‘travel vessels’ and the related 鐘柏生、陳昭榮及黃銘崇等編,《新收殷周青銅器
with qian; a zhi cast to the interior with the single character vessels]’, Fudan University Research on Chinese Excavated 李春桃,〈否叔諸器銘文釋讀——兼釋甲骨文中的「
qian (6) Classics and Paleography (website), Shanghai, 2018 銘文及器影彙編》,台北,2006年,編號1950、1952 眚」字〉,《文史》,第1輯,北京,2019年,頁5及
Height of zun: 7⅝ in., 19.5 cm (unillustrated). 、1953、1954、1955及1956 6(無圖)
Height of gu: 8⅛ in., 20.5 cm Li Chuntao, ‘Pishuzhuqi mingwen shidu – jianshi jiaguwen 彭銳查及張立東,《The MacLean Collection: Chinese 吳鎮烽,〈釋讀山西黎城出土的季姒盤銘文——兼論
Height of jue: 7¼ in., 18.3 cm zhongde ‘sheng’ zi [Deciphering the inscription of the Pi Shu Ritual Bronzes》,芝加哥,2010年,圖版24至27 否叔器〉,《復旦大學出土文獻與古文字研究中心(
Height of zhi: 5⅛ in., 13 cm vessels – and the studying of the ‘sheng’ character in oracle
bone inscriptions]’, Wenshi, no. 1, Beijing, 2019, pp 5 and 6 網站)》,上海,2020年(無圖)
PROVENANCE (unillustrated).
Wui Po Kok Antique Co, Ltd., Hong Kong, 1997. Wu Zhenfeng, ‘Shidu Shanxi Licheng chutude jisipan
mingwen – jianlun Pishuqi [Deciphering the inscription on the
LITERATURE Ji Si pan excavated from Licheng, Shanxi province – and the
studying of the Pi Shu vessels]’, Fudan University Research
Cheung Kwong-Yue, ‘The Inscriptions of Pi Shu Zun - on Chinese Excavated Classics and Paleography (website),
Shedding New Light on Dispatch Wares of the Western Shanghai, 2020 (unillustrated).
Zhou’, Bulletin of Institute of History and Philology, Academia
Sinica, vol. 70, pt. 3, Taipei, 1999, pp 771, 773 and 774. $ 150,000-250,000
Liu Yu and Lu Yan, eds., Jinchu Yin Zhou jinwen jilu
[Compilation of recently discovered bronze inscriptions], vol.
3, Beijing, 2002, pls 637, 646, 754, 755, 850 and 851.
Zhong Baisheng, Chen Zhaorong, and Huang Mingchong,
et al., eds., Xinshou Yin Zhou qingtongqi mingwen ji qiying
huibian [Compendium of inscriptions and images of recently
included bronzes from Yin and Zhou dynasties], Taipei,
2006, nos 1950, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955 and 1956.
Richard A. Pegg and Zhang Lidong, The MacLean Collection:
Chinese Ritual Bronzes, Chicago, 2010, pls 24-27.
Wu Zhenfeng, Shang Zhou qingtongqi mingwen ji tuxiang
jicheng [Compendium of inscriptions and images of bronzes
from Shang and Zhou Dynasties], vols 15, 18, 19 and 21,
Shanghai, 2012, nos 07682, 07683, 09804, 09805, 10153
and 11771.