Page 108 - 2019 September 12th Christie's New York Chiense Art Chicago Art Institute
P. 108

764 (two views)

          764                                             765
          A GREEN-ENAMELED ‘DRAGON’                       A RARE AND UNUSUAL
          BRUSH WASHER                                    LARGE GREEN-GLAZED AND
          19TH CENTURY                                    IRON-RED-DECORATED MOLDED
          The vessel is decorated on the interior with a writhing fve-clawed
          dragon in pursuit of a faming pearl amidst stylized fames and clouds,   ‘DRAGON’ VASE
          and the sides of the exterior are similarly decorated.  18TH-19TH CENTURY
                                                          The vase is molded in relief with two sinuous, fve-clawed dragons
          4¡ in. (11.1 cm.) diam.
                                                          decorated in iron-red and gilt, amidst rolling green-glazed waves with
                                                          frothy white-enameled crests.
                                                          23Ω in. (59.7 cm.) high
          Harold R. Warner Collection.                    $15,000-18,000
          The Art Institute of Chicago, accessioned in 1939.
          清十九世紀    白地綠釉龍擒珠紋小筆洗                            Mrs. Howell H. Howard Collection, Barrington, Illinois.
                                                          The Art Institute of Chicago, accessioned in 1962.
                                                          A virtually identical vase, also dated 18th–19th century, was sold at
                                                          Christie’s New York, March 2011, lot 1833.
                                                          清十八/十九世紀    綠地礬紅描金模印蒼龍教子圖大瓶

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