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          OF THE PERIOD (1662-1722)
          The domed body is incised with three archaistic dragon roundels and is   Water pots of this form are known as taibai zun, after the Tang dynasty
          covered with a glaze of mottled greyish-pink color shading to a darker   poet Li Bai, who is often depicted leaning against a large wine jar of
          grey above the foot.                            similar form. They are also known as jizhao zun because their shape
                                                          resembles basketware chicken coops that are woven with small
          4√ in. (12.3 cm.) diam.
                                                          openings at the top through which the chicks are fed.
          $80,000-120,000                                 A Kangxi peachbloom water pot, formerly in the collections of Emily
                                                          Trevor and John B. Trevor, Jr., was sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 28 May
                                                          2014, lot 3301. Another example from The Metropolitan Museum of Art
          Kate Sturges Buckingham (1858–1937) Collection, Chicago, before 1926.  was sold at Christie’s New York, Collected in America: Chinese Ceramics
          The Art Institute of Chicago, accessioned as the Collection of Lucy   from The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 15 September 2016, lot 915.
          Maud Buckingham (1870-1920) in 1926.
                                                          For a discussion of the peachbloom glaze see the footnote to lot 726.
                                                          清康熙   豇豆紅釉太白尊   三行六字楷書款



          Once known as ‘Chicago’s Grandest Spinster,’ Kate Sturges
          Buckingham, who inherited her family’s great fortune made from grain
          elevators, banking, and real estate, was one of the wealthiest women in
          America during her time, and also perhaps one of the most generous.
                                                          Photography © The Art Institute of Chicago.
          Kate Buckingham’s association with The Art Institute of Chicago
          developed side by side with her brother Clarence Buckingham (1854-  曾有「芝加哥最可敬的老姑娘」之稱的白凱特(Kate Sturges
          1913), who was a successful banker, as well as a governing member   Buckingham)繼承了家族經營穀倉塔、銀行以及房地產的龐大事
          and a trustee of the museum. Clarence became an avid collector of   業,其在世之時為當時美國最富有,也可能是最慷慨大方的女性之
          Japanese prints, inspired and advised by the Japanese art curator   一。
          Frederick W. Gookin, and architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Kate, on the
          other hand, turned her attention to Chinese art. Records show that her   白氏與芝加哥藝術博物館的淵源與其胞兄白珂倫(Clarence
          earliest purchases (later gifted to The Art Institute) were snuf bottles,   Buckingham; 1854-1913)息息相關。白珂倫為一成功銀行家,並
          acquired originally to please her sister, Lucy Maud (1870-1920) who   曾任博物館理事及董事。白珂倫受到該館日本藝術策展人古金
          sufered from poor health. White was Lucy’s favorite color, and many   (Frederick W. Gookin)以及建築大師賴特(Frank Lloyd Wright)的
          white wares in her collection were acquired for this reason. Kate’s own   影響及啓發,熱衷於收藏日本浮世繪,而白凱特則專攻收藏中國文
          collecting taste developed in many directions, encompassing Chinese   物。根據該館記錄,白凱特最初收藏的藏品(後贈予博物館)為鼻
          archaic ritual bronzes and ceramics as well as gothic and medieval art.   煙壺,入藏初衷則是為了博其孱弱多病胞妹白璐茜所好(Lucy Maud
                                                          Buckingham; 1870-1920)。白璐茜偏愛白色,白凱特收藏大半的白色
          After Clarence’s death in 1913, and Lucy’s in 1920, Kate’s philanthropy   釉瓷均爲此故。白凱特自身收藏則品味多元,囊括中國高古青銅器、
          acquired new impetus.  Between 1921 and 1937, she donated over   瓷器以及哥德和中世紀藝術。
          400 Chinese archaic ritual bronzes to The Art Institute of Chicago in
          memory of her sister Lucy. In 1925 she gave her brother’s collection of   白珂倫與白璐茜於1913與1920年相繼過世後,白凱特的慈善事業愈
          thousands of Japanese prints to The Art Institute. It is a mark of her   趨頻繁。1921至1937年之間,她以紀念白璐茜名義捐贈的中國青銅
          deep afection and loyalty that all the donations Kate made to The Art   器多達400餘件。1925年她將其兄珍藏之千餘張日本版畫贈予芝加
          Institute were given in the name of her departed siblings, and never   哥藝術博物館。值得一提的是,白氏一生捐贈該館之藏品均是以其
          her own. Some of these works are on view in the gallery which hosts   兄或其妹之名義,而非其本名,她對手足之忠實之情,可見一斑。這
          The Lucy Maud Buckingham Collection of Ancient Chinese Bronzes,   些珍藏部分可見於該館展示白璐茜高古青銅器珍藏(The Lucy Maud
          and The Clarence Buckingham Gallery of Japanese Prints in The Art   Buckingham Collection of Ancient Bronzes)之展廳以及白珂倫珍藏日
          Institute of Chicago.                           本版畫展廳(The Clarence Buckingham Gallery of Japanese Prints)。
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