Page 107 - Fine Japanese Art March 27, 2020 Galerie Zacke Netsuke and Okimono
P. 107

102 |  BAZAN: AN AMUSING WOOD NETSUKE                                                                                           103 |  SARI: A FINE WOOD NETSUKE
                                                                     OF A FOX TRAPPING A RAT                                                                                                        OF A CLUSTER OF RATS
                                                               By Bazan, unsigned                                                                                                              By Sari, signed Sari
                                                               Japan, Iwashiro or Nagoya, 19th century, Edo period (1615-1868)                                                                 Japan, Iwashiro, late 18th century, Edo period (1615-1868)

                                                               A classic model by the rare artist Bazan, though the position of the   It is recorded that Bazan was born in Gifu and moved at some   A small, compact study depicting seven rats (nezumi) clambering
                                                               rat is always different. Here the fox has trapped a rat underneath a   point to Tokyo but has been placed by experts in the Nagoya   over each other and grasping the tails of one another. The hairwork
                                                               tattered straw hat, however the rat has broken through the surface   school. However, it is also probable that he was active in Iwashiro,   is finely incised and the individual eyes are inlaid in dark horn. The
                                                               of the hat, apparently with some help from the fox who is tearing at   birthplace of Hidari Issan. The reason for this is that Bazan and   underside shows the dense congregation of paws and tails, as well
                                                               the fabric with his mouth. Half of the rat is visible above, the other   Basui are surely connected, in part due to the peculiar writing of the   as the signature written in sosho inside the typical oval reserve SARI
                                                               half visible on the underside, its tail curling around the string used   first kanji Ba 馬. When comparing Basui and Hidari Issan’s tortoises   左里. Natural himotoshi.
                                                               to attach the hat. The surface is lightly stained and accentuated   it becomes clear that they are connected as well. Therefore, my
                                                               with black coloring. The fur of the combatants is rendered precisely,   assumption is that all three mentioned carvers were at some point   HEIGHT 2.5 cm, LENGTH 3.5 cm
                                                               and the visible eye of the rat is inlaid in dark horn. The underside   active in Iwashiro. The carving style of the present netsuke certainly
                                                               with himotoshi.                              shows some similarities with netsuke by Hidari Issan, who also                     Condition: Very good condition, appealing patina.
                                                                                                            shares the second kanji zan 山.                                                     Provenance: British collection.
                                                               LENGTH 3.6 cm
                                                                                                            Literature comparison: Compare to similar netsuke by Bazan in                      Literature comparison: Another example of a group of rats by Sari
                                                               Condition: Very good condition.              Davey, Neil K. (1974) Netsuke: A comprehensive study based on the                  are in Meinertzhagen, Frederick / Lazarnick, George (1986) MCI,
                                                               Provenance: British collection.              M.T. Hindson Collection, p.207, nos. 631-633.                                      Part B, p. 703 (unillustrated).
                                                                                                            Estimate EUR 2.000,-                                                               Estimate EUR 2.000,-
                                                                                                            Starting price EUR 1.000,-                                                         Starting price EUR 1.000,-

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