Page 41 - Bonhams Chinese Works of Art June 2015 Hong Kong
P. 41
The style and quality of the present lot embodies much of the A related dish with similarly crisp treatment of the relief carving, but
celebrated 18th century jade production under the Qianlong emperor. with shallower sides of lobed petal-form, is illustrated in Compendium
The stone itself is very well-polished and of remarkably even tone, of Collections in the Palace Museum: Jade 8: Qing Dynasty, Beijing,
deliberately celebrated by the carver through the smooth walls of 2011, no.183. See also a similar bowl or brushwasher with a double
even thickness, and the unusual gently recessed base. The deep relief fish medallion in the well, illustrated by R.Kleiner in Chinese Jades
carving to the interior provides a pleasing contrast, and this carving from the Collection of Alan and Simone Hartman, Hong Kong, 1996
with its interwoven layers of leaves above and around the dragon, no.103, p.124.
demonstrates the technical virtuosity of the master carver.
The technique of contrasting smoother areas with crisp relief carving 底浮雕螭龍穿花紋,與腹壁光素形成鮮明對比,頗具匠心。
was particularly favoured for the larger, often ring-handled, vessels
known as ‘marriage’ bowls, such as the magnificent example sold 此類以腹壁光素、內底雕花之裝飾手法在玉洗上較為多見,然此器玲
in our London rooms on 16 May 2013, lot 143. The present piece is 瓏雅趣,其尺寸正適用於雙手捧握,甚為雅緻精巧。參看倫敦邦瀚斯
carved very much in a similar vein, however it is unusual in its more 曾售出一玉雕洗,採用類似裝飾手法,2013年5月16日,編號143。
intimate size which fits perfectly in two cupped hands. The rounded 另見北京故宮藏一例菱形洗,《故宮博物院藏品大系,清代玉器8
flaring rim invites the holder to look deeper inside the vessel, giving the 》,北京,2011年,編號183。另有底部雕雙魚者,見R.Kleiner,
impression that the bowl is a personalised possession for an important 《Chinese Jades from the Collection of Alan and Simone Hartman》
individual. ,香港,1996年,編號103,頁124。