Page 72 - Bonhams Chinese Works of Art June 2015 Hong Kong
P. 72

31                                                                       The image of a lone scholar in contemplation gazing upon a waterfall
A GREY AND PALE GREEN JADE BRUSHPOT, BITONG                              was a popular romanticised subject of the Song dynasty; see for
18th century                                                             example Scholar by a Waterfall by Ma Yuan (active AD 1190-1225), in
Finely carved around the exterior with a continuous landscape scene,     the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (accession no.1973.120.9).
featuring an elderly scholar accompanied by a young attendant            The use of paintings as inspiration for decoration on porcelain vases
carrying a qin, admiring a waterfall cascading down between rock cliffs  and jade vessels and screens was popular from the late Ming dynasty
and emerging as a stream that continues onto the base, all amidst a      period and continued onto the Qing period as exemplified in the
backdrop of trees and rockworks, the stone of a pale tone with light     present lot. Such idyllic depictions found favour in the Qing Court as
grey areas and darker speckles, wood stand.                              is demonstrated in the variety of jade carvings with related designs;
11.6cm (4 1/2in) high (2).                                               see from the National Palace Museum, Taipei, a white and russet
                                                                         jade screen, Qing dynasty, similarly carved with a scholar followed
HK$80,000 - 120,000                                                      by an attendant holding a wrapped qin, illustrated by Chang Li-tuan,
US$10,000 - 15,000                                                       The Refined Taste of the Emperor: Special Exhibition of Archaic and
                                                                         Pictorial Jades of the Ch’ing Court, Taipei, 1997, pl.64; and from the
十八世紀 青灰玉雕高士賞遊圖筆筒                                                         Qing Court Collection, see a white and russet jade boulder, Qianlong,
                                                                         illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace
Provenance 來源:                                                           Museum: Jadeware (II), Shanghai, 2008, pl.53.
Acquired prior to 13 November 1969, probably from Louis Joseph,
London                                                                   明清時期的玉器開始突出「畫意」,玉匠常採用繪畫中常見題材如花
An English private collection and thence by descent                      鳥、山水、人物故事等,以嫻熟工藝在玉料上雕刻出追求筆趣畫意的
1969年11月13日前購於倫敦古董商Louis Joseph                                          美國大都會博物館(藏品編號1973.120.9)。以類似畫風為題材的
英國私人收藏,並由家族成員繼承                                                          玉器在清代宮廷頗為流行,其他相關例子可參見國立故宮博物院藏一

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