Page 82 - Bonhams Chinese Works of Art June 2015 Hong Kong
P. 82
41 Early Twentieth Century from the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco,
A WHITE AND RUSSET JADE ‘TWIN-FISH AND BAJIXIANG’ San Francisco, 2007, p.180, also illustrating a related pale green jade
‘MARRIAGE’ BOWL ‘twin-fish’ basin, dated 1786; and see also from the National Palace
Qianlong Museum, Taipei, a jade ‘twin-fish’ basin, Qianlong, illustrated by
Finely carved with tall flaring sides rising to a lipped rim decorated Chang Li-tuan, The Refined Taste of the Emperor: Special Exhibition of
with a band of key-fret scrolls, the exterior carved in relief with evenly- Archaic and Pictorial Jades of the Ch’ing Court, Taipei, 1997, pl.7.
spaced Eight Buddhist Emblems, the bajixiang, above a diamond-
ground frieze, all raised on four ruyi-head feet, the white stone with Considered as one of the most auspicious motifs of the Eight Buddhist
minor russet inclusions, wood stand. Emblems, bajixiang, the twin-fish symbolises freedom from restraint
19.7cm (7 3/4in) wide (2). as well as the wish for marital bliss, prosperity and an abundance of
good luck. As fish are reputed to swim in pairs and are known for their
HK$250,000 - 400,000 reproductive powers, the double-fish also signifies the joys of union
US$32,000 - 52,000 and numerous offspring.
清乾隆 白玉雕八吉祥雙魚洗 Compare a related celadon jade footed bowl, Qianlong mark and of
the period, carved in the centre with two swimming fish, the exterior
Provenance 來源: carved with the bajixiang, sold at Sotheby’s Paris, 13 June 2012, lot
Charles (b.1861) and Kenneth (b.1896) Beresford, and thence by 182.
查理斯·貝爾斯福德(生於1861年)和肯尼斯·貝爾斯福德(生於1896年)舊 意婚姻美滿,多子多孫。乾隆帝慕古,在仿古器中尤其喜歡雙魚紋
藏,並由家族成員繼承 飾。此器之佈局及紋飾以漢代銅盤為藍本,參考三藩市亞洲藝術博
物館藏一件落有1786紀年年款的青玉雙魚紋盆,見M.Knight,He Li
‘Twin-fish’ decorated archaistic vessels are said to have been a 和T.Tse Bartholomew著,《Chinese Jades: Ming Dynasty to Early
particular favourite of the Qianlong emperor. This may have been Twentieth Century from the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco》,
due to their inspiration in form and design from archaic bronzes, and 三藩市,2007年,頁180;國立故宮博物院也藏一乾隆例子,著錄於
in the case of the present lot, a bronze pan of the Han dynasty, and 張麗瑞,《宮廷之雅:清代仿古及畫意玉器特展圖錄》,台北,1997
because of the multi-layered symbolism of the twin-fish motif; see 年,圖版7。再參考一件乾隆帶款的例子,拍賣於巴黎蘇富比,2012
M.Knight, He Li, T.Tse Bartholomew, Chinese Jades: Ming Dynasty to 年6月13日,拍品182。