Page 72 - Ming Porcelain Sothebys march 2018
P. 72


             Yongle ‘sweet-white’ dishes of this form in the imperial collection were in the
             Kangxi period (1662-1722) selected to be decorated in the imperial enameling   ੰဢɓಃd໋ख़׵ഓຫ۬ʕண೗๻Ъdഹ፯੿
             workshops that the Emperor had set up inside the Forbidden City in Beijing.   ᔛ͑ᆀ଩ͣᆵ̋˸ᖭུfਞϽɓԷdЧԱߣɪ
             A similar dish with such later palace enameling, probably roughly following   Ս೥݄೗๻੹dԈ૶ࢗʕ೗๻੹ନत࢝‘d
             a similar engraved pattern underneath, was included in the exhibition Qing   ਷݂ͭࢗ௹ي৫d̨̏d1992ϋdᇜ໮1ʿɓ೹
             gongzhong falangcai ci tezhan/Special Exhibition of Ch’ing Dynasty Enamelled
             Porcelains of the Imperial Ateliers, National Palace Museum, Taipei, 1992,
             cat. no. 1, together with a slightly smaller plain white Yongle dish of this form
             with incised camellia design, cat. no. 2; a slightly smaller plain white dish with
             incised " oral design was also included in the exhibition Shi yu xin: Mingdai   ̤ԈɓԷၾ͉ᆵϓ࿁dޫމ  Carl  Kempe  ௹
             Yongle huangdi de ciqi/Pleasingly Pure and Lustrous: Porcelains from the   ɻᔚᔛdਯ׵ˋኇᘽబˢ2008ϋ6˜12˚d
                                                                                    ᇜ໮41i͵Ԉɓᆵ޴ͷdࡡ  Nora  Lundgren
             Yongle Reign (1403-1424) of the Ming Dynasty, National Palace Museum,
                                                                                    ˃ ɛႅdତ ൧؇ ԭ௹ ي ᎜d౶ ᅃ ࡩ ဧ ᅙd
             Taipei, 2017, catalogue p. 44.
                                                                                    ಀ࢝׵Mostra d’Arte Cinese/Exhibition
             The pair to this dish, also from the Kempe collection, was sold in our Paris   of  Chinese  Art‘dᐼຖࢗd۾̵౶d1954
                                                                                    ϋdᇜ໮589iΎԈɓᆵԷd፽  Denise  Patry
             rooms, 12th June 2008, lot 41; a similar dish from the collection of Mrs.
                                                                                    LeidydTreasures  of  Asian  Art:  The  Asia
             Nora Lundgren, now in the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm,
                                                                                    Society’s Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller
             was included in the Mostra d’Arte Cinese/Exhibition of Chinese Art, Palazzo   3rd  Collection‘dॲߒd1994ϋdྡو16iʥ
             Ducale, Venice, 1954, cat. no. 589; another is illustrated in Denise Patry Leidy,   ϞɓᆵԷdόᅵ޴Νdਯ׵ࡐ౱Գɻ੻1969ϋ
             Treasures of Asian Art: The Asia Society’s Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller 3rd   10˜13˚dᇜ໮101f
             Collection, New York, 1994, pl. 16; and one further dish of this design was sold
                                                                                    C a r l   K e m p e   ௹ɻɗ๿Պϗᔛɽ࢕dߒІ
             at Christie’s London, 13th October 1969, lot 101.
             Dr. Carl Kempe was an important Swedish collector whose interest in Chinese
             art started around 1930. He visited China in 1935 and soon after began
                                                                                    ͟  Bo  Gyllensvärd  ௹ɻᅠഹྡ፽dۧᇍЇ
             to concentrate on Chinese monochrome white ceramics of all types and
                                                                                    ʦfCarl  Kempe  ௹ɻࠠอࡌᔍࡡމެ࢕ࢗ߹
             periods. He also developed a pioneering interest in Chinese gold and silver.   ʘ  Ekolsund  CastledԨਗ਼Չखᖍޜᔛ௓ΐՉ
             The catalogues of his collection, written by Dr. Bo Gyllensvärd, have become   ʕf௹ɻᒔಀ࠾̈ɤቱ΁ޜᔛၚۜʚዝ̦׌ɽ
             standard reference works. He kept his extensive collection in a museum-style   ࢝ʕ਷ᖵஔ਷ყ࢝ᚎึ‘dެ࢕ᖵஔኪ৫dࡐ
             display at Ekolsund Castle, a former royal castle he had restored. He lent over   ౱d1935Ї1936ϋfCarl  Kempe  ௹ɻଭ͛ה
             a dozen pieces to the ground-breaking International Exhibition of Chinese Art,   ᔛɽε׵2008ϋ຾࠰ಥeࡐ౱ʿˋኇᘽబˢ
             Royal Academy of Arts, London, 1935-36. Most of his collection was sold in
             2008 in a series of sales at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, London and Paris.
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