Page 43 - Sotheby's October 1 2017 Classical Paintings
P. 43

2737                                                       2738

2737                                                                        2738

ATTRIBUTED TO GONG XIAN                            龔賢(款) 蒼岭樓居圖              ATTRIBUTED TO LÜ
Seclusion Amidst Mountains and                     設色絹本 立軸
Streams                                                                     Ladies Traveling across Spring
                                                   釋文:一村蒼岭托煙塵,四壁半是瀑水聲。霜     Mountains
ink and colour on silk, hanging scroll             傲楓林樯滄浪,萬山中起讀書樓。半畝龔賢畫
                                                   並題。鈐印:「龔賢」、「半千」          ink and colour on silk, hanging scroll
signed Banmu Gong Xian, inscribed and with two                              signed Lü Huancheng, dated jimao (1699) and
seals of the artist                                題畫心:(高士奇)柴丈人以畫名世,染翰自然    with two seals of the artist
Inscription on painting by Gao Shiqi (1645-1703),  絕去,用筆蒼潤渾穆,似有抑郁之氣蘊畜未能
dated guiyou (1693), and with two seals of his     渲泄者,雲寒雨潤,煙霞嘯傲自得之。康熙癸     177.7 by 97.6 cm. 70 by 38½ in.
with three collector’s seals of Gao Shiqi, two     酉(1693) 九月江村高士奇。鈐印:「高士奇
collector’s seals of Wu Dacheng (1835-1902), two   印」、「澹人」                  HK$ 50,000-80,000
collector’s seals of Wu Hufan (1894-1968) and                               US$ 6,400-10,300
Pan Jingshu (1892-1939)                            鑑藏印:(高士奇)「竹窗」、「士奇」、「高
                                                   氏江邨草堂書畫珍藏之印」             呂煥成(款) 仕女遊春圖
218.5 by 87.5 cm. 86 by 34½ in.                    (吳大澂)「愙齋鑑藏」、「愙齋鑑藏書畫」
                                                   (吳湖帆、潘靜淑)「梅景書屋」、「吳湖颿潘    設色絹本 立軸
HK$ 100,000-150,000                                靜淑珍藏印」
US$ 12,800-19,200                                                           款識:己卯(1699)荷月寫於具慶堂,順江呂煥

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