Page 14 - SOtheby's Hong Kong Fine Chinese Art May 2018
P. 14


                       The acquisition of ‘Scholar’s Items’ for the   dictated a yearning to become as closely associated
                   Peony Collection began in the mid 1970s. There were   as possible with such studious appreciation in a
                   keen collectors who were well supplied by a relatively  tradition which by the 1970s was 1,500 years old.
                   small number of specialist dealers in Hollywood   In all collecting there were excellent
                   Road and also in the Ocean Terminal in Tsim Sha   opportunities which were taken advantage of.
                   Tsui. Travels in the region also turned up scholar’s   There were of course also occasions – fortunately
                   items which in those days were not really noticed   limited – where hesitation was a fatal diversion from
                   by collectors and – strangely in many ways – there   acquisition because after due cogitation and return
                   was no real collectors’ interest or passion for the   for purchase the piece had gone.  There were also
                   arts in China itself where so much of the country   other possibilities of ‘losing’ a piece.  This was even
                   was principally concerned in the 1970s and early   the case to the point that a particular piece was
                   1980s both with the dead hand aftermath of the   acquired and, as was common practise, left with
                   Cultural Revolution with its violent destruction of   the dealer to make wooden stand for it.  On return
                   ancient things and was also unavoidably focused   to collect the piece after the appointed time for
                   on its own extreme poverty.  The huge changes in   making the stand it was not the happy moment to
                   China since then have brought Chinese collecting   be informed by the dealer with a certain amount of
                   back to a vigorously renewed full circle enthusiasm   pseudo distressed hand wringing that the piece itself
                   in competition with Hong Kong and wider world   was ‘lost’.  The dealer in question put all blame on
                   collectors – the 1970s seem a very long time ago.  the stand maker who was not directly accountable
                       But then collector interest was reserved to Hong  to the collector and whose alleged ‘negligence’ was
                   Kong and through Hong Kong to tightly focused   the cause of the ‘loss’.  In fact the strong suspicion
                   dealers in Europe (particularly London and Paris)   was that while the piece was still with the dealer
                   and in New York and San Francisco in the United   prior to collection by the stand maker an alternative
                   States.                                   customer came, saw the piece, enthused over it and
                       In those days Hong Kong was a low profile   the dealer sold it to him! – of course at a huge mark
                   city. The towering buildings of today did not exist   up from the original contracted sale price.
                   and the entire thinking of the local community was   The Chinese scholar contentedly positioning
                   much less obsessed with property development and   himself in contemplative pursuit of literary
                   manipulation although this was beginning.  accomplishment in poetry and calligraphy
                       Accordingly, through developing relationships   necessarily equipped himself with the tools of the
                   with the few dealers in Hong Kong’s Hollywood Road   trade basically meaning production of the “Four
                   and Ocean Terminal very interesting acquisitions   Treasures” of the studio.  Very careful and scholarly
                   of Scholar’s Items of all kinds could be made.  A   appreciation of all the aids to scholastic production
                   particular focus was rare woods and bamboo but   had throughout history developed in themselves
                   other materials were also important ranging from   increasing skill and beautiful work and it was in a
                   jade, through ceramics to bronze and lacquer.  To   spirit of appreciation of such things that the Peony
                   be interested in the peaceful discourse of scholars   Collection extended itself to and around them for
                   in the manner of the AD 353 Six Dynasties Lanting   a forty year zeal of which some of the fruits are
                   Gatherings in the Orchid Pavilion near Shaoxing   present in this sale.

                                                                           The Keeper of the Peony Collection
                                                                                     Hong Kong, April 2018

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