Page 34 - Kraak Porcelain, Jorge Welsh
P. 34

dish in the Topkapi Saray Museum in Istanbul (inv. no.         bumblebee. Compare, for instance, the finely rendered
                                    / ). The hare gazing at the moon motif also
                                                                                           bumblebees shown on the panelled rims of a group of
                            occurred on blue and white Wanli imperial wares, as
                            evidenced on a saucer dish from the collection of Sir          large dishes with flat, bracket-lobed rims discussed in
                            Percival David (inv. no. PDF A ). The motif is a fable
                            associated with Daoism as it was on the moon that the          entry no. , and on three examples in the Topkapi Saray

                                                                                           (inv. nos.  / , / , and / ). Bumblebees

                                                                                           also appeared on the border designs of saucer dishes


Fig. a                      hare ground the elixir of immortality with a pestle and with bracket-lobed rims, as seen on an example in

Detail Still Life with      mortar. Thus the hare (tu-z), sometimes called ‘jade-          the Casa-Museu Dr. Anastácio Gonçalves in Lisbon

a Pewter Flagon and Two     hare’, is a symbol of longevity. It is the fourth creature in  (inv. no.   ). Similar stylized representations of

Ming Bowls              /-  ) the Chinese zodiac.                                          bumblebees are shown on the panelled rims of a group
Jan Jansz Treck (
                            A comparable saucer dish depicting a similar hare              of plates, of similar form to the example discussed in

(inv. no. NG )              seated in front of peach sprays (instead oflingzhi fungus) entry no. . These were recovered from the wreck of the

© The National Gallery,     within a border of alternating peach sprays, flowers,           Portuguese carrack Nossa Senhora dos Mártires, which

London                      and auspicious symbols, was one of a number ofkraak            sank on September , on its return journey from

                            saucer dishes of this form recovered from the Dutch East India at the fortress of São Julião da Barra in the mouth

                            Indiaman, the Banda, which foundered on a reef on March of the Tagus river near Lisbon.

                            , o the coast of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean on its          The aforementioned kraak porcelain wares recovered

                            return journey to Holland. A related hare motif is shown from two di erent shipwrecks, the Banda, a Dutch

                            on the central medallion of elevenkraak bowls of slightly East Indiamen, and the Nossa Senhora dos Mártires, a

                            lobed, ten-sided form with flared bracket-lobed rims in         Portuguese carrack, demonstrate that these particular

                            the Topkapi Museum (inv. nos.        / , - , - hare and bumblebee motifs were used on wares of

                            ). They are decorated on their inner sides with ten fruit various forms made to be exported to Europe in the first

                            and flower sprays and on their outer sides with white deer two decades of the th century.

                            in front of ornamental taihu rocks.                            Saucer dishes of this type were imported to the

                            The odd-looking insect depicted on the teardrop                Netherlands in the late th/early th century. Such

                            medallions of the present dish is most likely a stylized       dishes, together with other types of kraak wares, would
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