Page 59 - Pavillion Sale OCt 6 2015 Christies
P. 59

PROPERTY FROM THE YANGDETANG COLLECTION                              西晉  越窯青瓷鋪首耳四繫罐

74                                                                   來源:

A YUE CELADON JAR                                                    養德堂珍藏,入藏於 1992 年以前

WESTERN JIN DYNASTY (265-317)                                        展覽:

The jar is decorated with a band of stamped decoration on            《中国名陶展 : 中国陶磁 2000 年の精華》,東京,
the shoulder, and applied with a pair of mask and ring handles       1992 年,圖版 6 號
alternating with a pair of small loop handles, covered inside and
out with a pale sea-green glaze ending in an irregular line towards
the foot exposing the buff ware.
10¿ in. (25.8 cm.) high, box



Yangdetang Collection, acquired before 1992


Chugoku meito ten: Chugoku toji 2000- nen no seika (Exhibition of
Chinese Pottery: Two Thousand Years of Chinese Ceramics), Tokyo,
1992, no. 6

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