Page 20 - Fine Chinese Paintings Sept 2016
P. 20

VARIOUS OWNERS                                            21

21                                                           清 翁雒 草蟲 設色紙本 冊頁十二開
                                                            1. 題識:拈得生花一支筆,寫成竹葉夾桃花。翁
WENG LUO (1790-1849)
Flowers and Insects                                            雒。
Album of twelve leaves, ink and color on paper              2. 題識:籬下有佳色,秋聲菊婢香。小海翁雒。
Each leaf measures 9 º x 10 ¿ in. (23.7 x 25.7 cm.)            鈐印:翁雒
Each leaf inscribed and signed, with a total of eighteen    3. 題識:春雨春風能幾冑,吹香落粉濕還飃。朝來
seals of the artist                                            試看枝頭上,數朵寒酥未肯消。
One leaf dated autumn, ninth month, xinwei year (1811)         鈐印:小海、翁雒
                                                            4. 題識:秋花閒処着秋蟲,可是徐熙設色工。小海
$8,000-12,000                                                  翁雒。

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