Page 36 - Fine Chinese Paintings Sept 2016
P. 36

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                               PROPERTY FROM THE HEINEMANN FAMILY                             LIN FENGMIAN (1900-1997)
                                                                                              Philosopher Among Trees
                               COLLECTION HEINEMANN家族珍藏
                                                                                              Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and
                               Originally from Berlin, the Heinemann family fed to            color on paper
                               Shanghai after the Night of the Broken Glass incident in       13 x 13 in. (33 x 33 cm.)
                               1938. During the fourteen years the family lived there, they   Signed, with one seal of the artist
                               opened a bookstore and gallery in Concession, where they
                               sold books and works of art, as well as bound manuals          $20,000-30,000
                               for painting and calligraphy. The Heinemann family was
                               personally acquainted with the artist’s family and Mrs. Paula  PROVENANCE
                               Heinemann learned her book binding from the artist’s family.
                                                                                              Acquired directly from the family of
The Heinemann family in 1951.  HEINEMANN家族來自柏林,在1938年“碎玻璃事件”之後                                the artist.
Heinemann家族,1951。              移居上海。居住在上海的十四年中,HEINEMANN 家族在租
                               界内開設書店和畫廊,出售書籍,藝術品以及與繪畫書法相關                                    林風眠 樹下高士 設色紙本 鏡框
34                             的手冊。HEINEMANN家族與畫家的家族私交甚好,PAULA                                款識:林風眠。
                               HEINEMANN 夫人的書籍裝訂技巧便是從畫家處習得。                                   鈐印:林風瞑印
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