Page 149 - Modern Chinese Paintings, Hk Nov. 27,2017
P. 149
1383 1384
1383 (2) 1384 (2)
PU RU (1896-1963) PU RU (1896-1963)
Calligraphic Couplet Eight-Character Calligraphic Couplet in Regular Script
A pair of hanging scrolls, ink on patterned paper A pair of scrolls, mounted and framed, ink on gold paper
Each scroll measures 63.2 x 14 cm. (24 √ x 5 Ω in.) Each scroll measures 62 x 10 cm. (24 ¡ x 3 √ in.)
Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist
Dated winter, yiyou year (1945) Dated autumn, yiyou year (1945)
HK$150,000-250,000 US$20,000-32,000 HK$150,000-200,000 US$20,000-26,000
溥儒 書法對聯 水墨花箋 立軸兩幅 一九四五年作 溥儒 楷書八言聯 水墨金箋 鏡框兩幅 一九四五年作
題識:青 精飯用楊桐葉成之,可資陽氣。 題識:紫 煙翠微,法界梵音。丹鶴長松,珠林仙猿。
昆崙觴取溪源水釀得,芳味絕倫。 龍度寺南,流泉涔涔,聽溪風蟬鼓,尋源空谷,
乙酉(1945年)年孟冬上浣日,西山逸士溥儒。 颯然百草明人眼,茅屋映竹水,碧柳野桃亂。
鈐印:溥儒之印、心畬 乙酉(1945年)秋月,西山逸士溥濡。