Page 17 - Modern Chinese Paintings, Hk Nov. 27,2017
P. 17

1208                                                                                         1209

1208                                                 1209                                                  題識:小小兒童見識高,造林種樹有功勞。
FENG ZIKAI (1898-1975)                               FENG ZIKAI (1898-1975)                                         勝利先生清賞,子愷。

Drunk Old Man                                        Children Planting Tree                                鈐印:石門豐氏、緣緣堂畫緣、子愷漫畫

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour           Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper               豐一吟題簽:先 父豐子愷兒童種樹圖真蹟。
on paper                                             50.3 x 30 cm. (19 æ x 11 æ in.)                                         豐一吟敬題。
69.5 x 36 cm. (27 ¡ x 14 ¿ in.)                      Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist
Inscribed and signed, with four seals of the artist  Dedicated to Shengli                                  鈐印:豐一吟
                                                     Titleslip entitled, inscribed and signed by
HK$150,000-200,000                                  Feng Yiyin (born 1929), with one seal                 展覽:廣州,廣東美術館:《世界動漫的中
US$20,000-26,000                                                                                                    國學派—中外動漫藝術大展》,2015
                                                     EXIBITED:                                                      年7月21日至9月4日。
豐子愷  東園載酒西園醉  設色紙本
                   鏡框                               Guangzhou, Guangdong Museum of Art,                   出版:羅 一平、金城編,《世界動漫的中國
                                                     Chinese School in World Animation and Comic                    學派—中外動漫藝術大展》,廣東美
題識:東園載酒西園醉,摘盡枇杷一樹金。                                 Art, July 21 to September 4, 2015.                             術館、廣東省動
         子愷畫。                                                                                                       漫藝術家協會,
                                                     LITERATURE:                                                    第19頁。
         緣緣堂主、子愷漫畫                                   Luo Yiping and Jin Cheng (eds.), Chinese
                                                     School in World Animation and Comic Art,
                                                     Guangdong Museum of Art, p.19.                        Feng Yiyin, Feng Zikai’s

                                                     HK$150,000-250,000                                   daughter, inscribed the
                                                                                                           titleslip for the painting
                                                     豐子愷 兒童種樹圖 設色紙本 立軸                                     豐子愷女兒豐一吟女士為

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