Page 184 - Modern Chinese Paintings, Hk Nov. 27,2017
P. 184



Luo Jialun (1897-1969) wielded significant influence in the fields of       1407
politics and education in 20th-century China, as well as being an
accomplished poet, author and collector. He became active in politics       ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)
during his studies at Fudan School in Shanghai. In 1917, while studying
foreign literature at Peking University, Luo Jialun advocated literary      Three Friends
reform and served as an editor of the student periodical, The Renaissance.
These efforts culminated in his role as a student leader in the May 4th     Handscroll, ink and colour on paper
Movement. He spent several years abroad and studied in the United           38.5 x 143 cm. (15 ¿ x 56 º in.)
States, London, Berlin, and Paris. After Luo returned to China, he          Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist
joined the Nationalist government and was appointed as deputy head          Dated summer, renyin year (1962)
of instruction at the Central Party Institute in Nanjing in 1927. He        Dedicated to Zhixi (Luo Jialun, 1897-1969)
served as president of Tsinghua University between 1928 and 1930.           Titleslip inscribed by Luo Jialun
In 1932 he was appointed president of National Central University
in Nanjing, serving until 1941. During this time, he led the university     NOTE:
to safety in Chongqing in the midst of the Sino-Japanese War. Luo
served as the Republic of China’s ambassador to India from 1947 to          The recipient of the painting is Zhixi. Mianzhong, the courtesy
1949, before returning to Taiwan and assuming additional education-         name of Zha Liangzhao (1897-1982) is also mentioned in the
related official duties. Luo acquired an extensive collection of Chinese    inscription. Zha went to study at the University of Chicago and then
paintings throughout his life. His family later donated many of his         Columbia University after graduating from Tsinghua College, a
Classical Chinese paintings to the National Palace Museum in Taipei, as     preparatory school for Chinese students to study in the United States.
documented in the museum catalogue A Collection of Chinese Paintings        During the course of his study, he became friends with Luo Jialun,
Donated by Ms. Zhang Weizhen (wife of Luo Jialun).                          a notable educator and historian. Zha worked as a guest lecturer
                                                                            at the University of New Delhi in India in the late 1940s, when
羅家倫(1897-1969),字志希,筆名毅。“五四運動”的命名                                            Luo was an ambassador to India for the Republican Government.
                                                                            Meanwhile, because of the changing political climate in China,
者,近代著名的教育家、思想家、社會活動家;早年求學於復旦                                                Zhang Daqian went all over the world. He embarked on his journey
                                                                            from Hong Kong in 1950, held an exhibition in New Delhi and
公學和北京大學;民國年間,擔任國立中央大學、國立清華大學                                                stayed in Darjeeling for nearly a year. As the three were all in New
                                                                            Delhi, Luo Jialun invited Zhang Daqian and Zha Liangzhao to a
校長之職。1928年,羅家倫就任清華大學校長,發表題為“學術                                              party in the Chinese Embassy in India, when Zhang painted Three
                                                                            Friends as a gift to Luo Jialun. After 12 years, the three reunited in
獨立與新清華”的就職演說。清華大學在羅家倫手裡終於實現了                                                Japan. Unfortunately, the painting was already lost. Zhang Daqian,
                                                                            therefore, recreated the painting and added three old men into
男女同校。南京大學今天的校訓“誠、樸、雄、偉”,即為羅家                                                the picture, not only to symbolise the enduring characteristics of
                                                                            the three with pine trees, bamboos and plum blossoms, but also to
倫所提出。1949年到台,先後出任中華民國總統府國策顧問、國                                              commemorate their friendship that lasted over time. As a treasured
                                                                            piece in Luo Jialun’s private collection, it has vividly recorded the
民黨中央評議委員、國民黨史會主任委員、中國筆會會長、考試                                                friendship of the three intellectuals in the modern era.

院副院長、國史館館長等職。羅家倫書畫收藏甚豐,其家屬把古                                                HK$1,500,000-2,000,000                            US$200,000-260,000


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