Page 214 - Modern Chinese Paintings, Hk Nov. 27,2017
P. 214
The Chinese Art Society in Hong Kong was In December 1963, Zhou Yifeng, He Qiyuan and From 27 February to 2 March 1970, Yang Shanshen,
formed in 1958. The founding members are others held a joint exhibition in memory of their late Chen Jinghong, Feng Kanghou, Zhao Shao’ang held a
Li Yanshan, Lin Jiantong, Lei Langliu, Lu teacher Gao Qifeng in St. John’s Cathedral. joint exhibition in Hong Kong City Hall.
一九六三年十二月,何漆園、周一峰等人為紀念先師高 一九七零年二月廿七至三月二日,(左起)楊善深、陳荊
Shoukun and Zhang Junshi. 奇峰,在聖約翰堂舉辦聯展。 鴻、馮康侯、趙少昂在香港大會堂舉行四家書畫聯展。
collectors and artists alike to have access to a great range of art, in 響。部分內地藝術家更有機會長期居住在香港,為香港藝術界注
turn influencing the tastes and aesthetics of the time. 入新思維和新能量。 香港的近現代書畫收藏亦在此時越發蓬勃。
The Hong Kong Museum of Art was established in 1991, including 九十年代初,策劃多年的香港藝術館1991年終於落成。館內設立
a gallery dedicated to Hong Kong artists. In total the museum held “香港藝術展覽廳”展出香港藝術家作品。館藏超過三千多件香港
over 3000 works by Hong Kong artists; the Hong Kong Visual Arts 藝術家作品,是最具規模和系統化的香港藝術收藏。1992年成立的
Centre opened in 1992, allowing for even more lectures, exchanges 香港視覺藝術中心則提供展覽廳、演講廳、工作室和完備設施,更
and exhibitions. 定期舉辦展覽和教育活動,提供藝術的養分和創作的機會。
Moving forward twenty years, the art scene in Hong Kong 概括2000年以後,香港畫家一方面受到趙少昂、楊善深等所創立
has become more multi-faceted and dynamic than ever, with 的香港嶺南畫派傳統的影響。另一方面他們秉承呂壽琨對水墨現
numerous galleries, art fairs and auction houses featuring local and 代化的願景,受到中西藝術理論的影響,開拓出水墨多元化的視
international artists. This narrative and continuity of the strength 覺風格。同時,形形色色的畫廊、藝術博覽會、拍賣公司等紛紛
and vitality of Hong Kong artists, the breadth and depth of work is 扎根香港,使香港藝術圈動態多變,注入新視野。從現當代香港
truly a living legacy, visible in the richness of artists from Modern 畫家的豐富作品中能體會到他們與過去前輩之間的連續性與及創
paintings to Chinese Contemporary ink. 新性。
More importantly, this collection of artists from the 1950s – 1980s 五十年代至八十年代的畫家前輩們對香港藝術節的發展毋庸置
was instrumental in building the art scene in Hong Kong, and laid 疑,並設下現今畫家發展的基石,如本季11月27日舉行的中國當
down the foundations for Chinese contemporary ink artists who 代水墨專場的呂壽琨、方召麐(1914-2006)、王無邪(1936年
were building their own career and art direction from the 80’s 生)等(拍品編號801-811,829-832)。本次秋季拍賣適逢香
and 90’s onwards, such as artists Lui Shou Kwan, Fang Zhaoling 港回歸二十週年,佳士得在「中國近現代畫」和「丹青薈萃—中
(1914-2006),Wucius Wong (b. 1936), featured in Christie’s Chinese 國書畫網上拍賣」專場中分別推出「藝聚香江」專題,展示當代
Contemporary Ink sale on 27th November, 2017 (Lots 801-811, 香港畫壇的發展,並紀念第一代和第二代香港畫家的偉大貢獻。
829-832). This season, on the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong’s
reunification, Christie’s is delighted to highlight contemporary
Hong Kong artists, and more importantly, commemorate the great
work created by first and second generation artists of Hong Kong.