Page 70 - Modern Chinese Paintings, Hk Nov. 27,2017
P. 70
1284 1285 徐悲鴻 吼獅 設色紙本 立軸
XU BEIHONG (1895-1953) XU BEIHONG (1895-1953)
Magpie on Branch 題識:敬之先生惠教。
Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper Hear Me Roar 高行何所畏,浩然氣可恃。
31.5 x 50.5 cm. (12 ¡ x 19 √ in.) 壬午(1942 年)歲盡寫於磐溪中國
Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper 美術學院,悲鴻。
artist 104 x 64.2 cm. (41 x 25 º in.)
Dated spring, jimao year (1939) Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the 鈐印:悲鴻之畫
Dedicated to Ye Lifu artist
Dated renwu year (1942) 註:上款人敬之即何應欽(1890 - 1987),
HK$400,000-600,000 Dedicated to Jingzhi 中華民國陸軍一級上將,字敬之,貴州省興
US$52,000-77,000 義人。早年留學日本陸軍士官學校。辛亥革
NOTE: 命爆發後,回國參軍。1934 年授陸軍一級上
徐悲鴻 喜上眉梢 設色紙本 立軸 將軍銜。抗日戰爭時期,任第四戰區司令長
一九三九年作 The recipient of this painting is He Yingqin 官、中國遠征軍總司令、中國戰區中國陸軍
題識:葉 理夫先生惠存紀念, (1890-1987), courtesy name Jingzhi, a 總司令。1949 年去台,1987 年 10 月在台北
general of the army of the Republic of China. 病逝。1945 年 9 月,何應欽在南京代表中國
己卯(1939年)春莫,悲鴻戲筆。 Born in Xingyi, Guizhou Province, he 政府接受岡村寧次代表日本政府投降。
鈐印:東海王孫、莊敬日彊 was trained at the Imperial Japanese Army
Academy and joined the army in China after
68 the Revolution of 1911. In 1934 he received
the title of General, First Class. During the
Sino-Japanese War, he was the general of
the Fourth War Zone, the Commander in
Chief of the Chinese Expeditionary Force
and the Chinese Army Ground Force in the
Chinese Theatre. He moved to Taiwan in
1949 and died in October 1987 in Taipei. In
September 1945, He Yingqin represented the
Chinese Government to accept the surrender
of Japanese Government, represented by
Okamura Yasuji, in Nanjing.