Page 99 - Modern Chinese Paintings, Hk Nov. 27,2017
P. 99


1320                                                                          林墉 林墉作品集 設色紙本 冊頁十三開   一九九二年作

LIN YONG (BORN 1942)                                                          題識:
                                                                              1.	 秀香。壬申(1992年),林墉。
Women Portraits                                                               2-11.	 壬申(1992年),墉。
                                                                              12.	 墉。
Album of thirteen leaves, ink and colour on paper                             13.	 壬申(1992年),林墉。
Each leaf measures 27 x 52 cm. (10 ¬ x 20 Ω in.)
Each leaf inscribed and signed , with a total of fourteen seals of the        鈴印:林墉(十三次)、珠水白雲(一次)
Dated renshen year (1992)                                                     畫家自題封面簽條:林墉作品集。
Titleslip on the album cover, inscribed by the artist, with two seals
HK$1,000,000-2,000,000  US$130,000-260,000

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