Page 56 - Imperial Sale Chinese Works of Art June 1 2016 HK
P. 56

THE PROPERTY OF AN IMPORTANT PRIVATE COLLECTOR                             清雍正  紫金釉菊瓣盤  雙圈六字篆書款

    3215                                                                       來源
                                                                               K.W. Woollcombe-Boyce珍藏,編號17
    A FINE AND VERY RARE CAFE-AU-LAIT GLAZED                                   E.G. Kostolany珍藏
    CHRYSANTHEMUM DISH                                                         Lorant Goldschlager珍藏
    WITHIN A DOUBLE CIRCLE AND OF THE PERIOD (1723-1735)                       著錄
                                                                               A. du Boulay,《佳士得圖說中國陶瓷史》,牛津,1984
    The rounded sides are moulded to the interior and exterior as              年,223頁,圖14
    petals rising to a scalloped rim, supported on a similarly shaped
    short foot, covered overall in a lustrous coffee-brown glaze.              盤斂口,呈菊花瓣形,弧壁,圈足。盤內外施紫金釉。足圈
    6 √ in. (17.5 cm.) diam.                                                   內施白釉,底青花雙圈內書「大清雍正年製」楷書款。

    HK$3,200,000-5,000,000 US$420,000-650,000                                 紫金釉又名醬釉,是以鐵為著色劑的一種高溫釉。雍正紫金
    PROVENANCE                                                                 面瑩潤的紫金釉,展示了雍正單色釉的最高水準。

    The K.W. Woollcombe-Boyce Collection (no. 17)                              北京故宮博物院藏一套十二件雍正款單色釉菊瓣形盤,包括
    The E.G. Kostolany Collection                                              紫金釉,見1999年香港出版故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集《顏
    The Lorant Goldschlager Collection                                         色釉》,282-283頁,圖版257號。《清檔.雍正記事雜錄》
    Sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 30 November 2011, lot 2926                   中記載:雍正十一年(1733年)「十二月二十七日,年希堯
    LITERATURE                                                                 旨:著江西燒造瓷器處照此樣各色燒造四十件。」

    A. du Boulay, Christie’s Pictorial History of Chinese Ceramics,            北京首都博物館藏同色盤一件,見1993年台北出版熊寥著
    Oxford, 1984, p. 223, fig. 14                                              《官窰名瓷》,圖版153號;另一例子1977年於香港藝術館
    Chrysanthemum-shaped dishes from the Yongzheng period were                 號;以及倫敦大維德基金會藏品一件,蘇玫瑰,《Illustrated
    mentioned to have been made in a series of twelve colours, a group         Catalogue of Ming and Qing Monochrome Wares in the Percival
    is in the collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing illustrated in          David Foundation of Chinese Art》,倫敦,1989年,圖錄B597
    Monochrome Porcelain, The Complete Collection of Treasures of              號。
    the Palace Museum, Hong Kong, 1999, pp. 282-283, no. 257. Six
    are illustrated by Feng Xianming, Wenwu, 1984, p. 37, no. 10, where        同款盤見H.M. Knight Collection舊藏,後成為Hall Family
    the author notes that a decree was issued in the eleventh year of          Collection藏品;1988年展出於牛津Ashmolean Museum舉辦東
    Yongzheng (corresponding to 1733) instructing Nian Xiyao, Minister of      方陶瓷學會展覽《Iron in the Fire》,圖錄圖版90號;2004年9
    the Imperial Household, to send ‘the twelve colours of chrysanthemum       月21日於紐約佳士得拍賣,拍品305號。
    dishes, one of each colour, for the inspection of the permanent
    guardian of the treasury and chief eunuch Samuha’. The decree
    further mentions ‘forty pieces to be fired of every type according to the

    Other similar Yongzheng cafe-au-lait glazed dishes are published, one
    in the Capital Museum, Beijing, illustrated by Xiong Liao, Beauty of
    Ceramics: Gems of the Official Kilns, Taipei, 1993, pl. 153; one included
    in the Min Chiu Society exhibition, Monochrome Ceramics of Ming and
    Ch’ing Dynasties, Hong Kong Museum of Art, 1977, illustrated in the
    Catalogue, no. 95; and one with a pale café-au-lait glaze in the Percival
    David Foundation, illustrated in Rosemary Scott, Illustrated Catalogue
    of Ming and Qing Monochrome Wares in the Percival David Foundation
    of Chinese Art, London, 1989, Catalogue, no. B597.

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