Page 186 - Sotheby's Fine Chinese Art November, 2018 Hong Kong.
P. 186
PROPERTY FROM THE XINYANGTANG Yaozhou kilns mostly manufacture dishes and 北宋 耀州青釉刻花紋雙繫罐
COLLECTION bowls as these two types were labour-efficient to
A RARE CARVED YAOZHOU produce in large quantities. Other shapes were 來源:
CELADON ‘FLORAL’ JAR produced in a small quantity altogether, thus 關善明收藏
NORTHERN SONG DYNASTY were generally given particular attention and is 倫敦蘇富比2003年11月12日,編號83
particularly rare.
of tall ovoid form, set with a pair of strap handles 展覽:
below a splayed mouth rim, deftly carved with Jars of this shape and design are rare, although 《關氏所藏宋代陶瓷》,香港藝術館,香
undulating floral sprays, covered overall in an a related jar similarly decorated with carved 港,1994年,編號79
olive-green glaze suffused with crackles, the glaze floral design, but lacking the two handles and
stopping irregularly above the splayed foot the rim flange, in the Museum of Oriental
15.2 cm, 6 in. Ceramics, Osaka, was included in the exhibition
The Masterpieces of Yaozhou Ware, Museum of
PROVENANCE Oriental Ceramics, Osaka, 1997, cat. no. 74.
Collection of Simon Kwan.
Sotheby’s London, 12th November 2003, lot 83.
Song Ceramics from the Kwan Collection, Hong
Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1994, cat. no.
HK$ 100,000-150,000
US$ 12,800-19,200
184 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比