Page 209 - Christies IMportant Chinese Art Sept 26 2020 NYC
P. 209
This pair of cabinets, with their massive size, use of expensive and rare 本對紫檀四件櫃用料上乘,造型華美。紫檀木價值連成,稀
material, and auspicious iconography, would have created a lavish and rich 世難得,在清代被視為頂級木材。本對櫃子不惜工本侈用大
interior space meant to project the wealth, power, and status of the family 料,洵屬可貴。
who owned them.
Constructed from the precious hardwood, zitan, the present pair of cabinets
represents an extremely luxurious use of a rare wood that was highly valued 製家具以華麗雕飾見稱,紫檀木實屬不二之選。紫檀木極為
during the Qing dynasty. The density of the wood makes this material 稀有,一木難求,僅有皇親貴胄級別人等可採之製作大型家
especially suitable for fine and intricate carving and when combined 具。為保存產量,如有不當使用或濫用木材,甚至會處以罰
with its jade-like, lustrous surface made this the preferred material for 款或送官究治。
Imperial Qing-dynasty furniture, which favored elaborately carved and
highly-ornamented furnishings. Access to this valuable material was 此櫃碩大渾厚,寸寸細刻,巧飾龍、鳯、鹿等吉祥瑞獸,氣
strictly regulated by the Imperial workshops, and only the most important 勢恢宏。在中國傳統家具的陳列規格裡,對櫃往往是房間
personages were granted permission to commission large-scale furniture 的視線焦點,通常一左一右對置成翼,中間夾著一件小型家
in zitan. So prized and scarce was this material, that irresponsible usage or 具。北京故宮養心殿藏有一對紫檀四件櫃,刻雲龍紋,可與
wastage of precious zitan could lead to severe punishment or fines.
Massive in scale and richly carved with auspicious animals, such as dragons,
phoenixes and deer, the present pair of cabinets would have created an 具講求紋飾堆疊,大件作品諸如本櫃昂然聳立,莊嚴氣派。
imposing and majestic interior space. Cabinets of this type were intended 另可參考一對十九世紀紫檀四件櫃,同雕遊龍、蝙蝠紋,尺
to serve as a central focal point of a room, and were commonly constructed 寸與本櫃相同,於紐約佳士得拍賣,2017年9月14—15日,拍
in pairs and could be placed on opposing walls, flush with each other, or 品編號962。
separated by a smaller piece of furniture. The present pair of cabinets is
related to a pair of zitan compound cabinets and hat chests, richly carved 本櫃櫃門浮雕華麗,刻鑿精美,紋樣紛陳,夾雜龍、鳯、麒麟
with dragons in flight amidst clouds, located in the bedroom behind the Yang 與鹿,無不寓意吉祥。龍紋是皇權象徵,暗示主人地位崇高
Xin Dian (The Hall of Mental Cultivation), and shown in situ in The Complete
Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum – 54 – Furniture of the Ming and 顯赫。麒麟有長壽、多子的意思,據說古時僅在太平盛世才
Qing Dynasties (II), Hong Kong, 2002, p. 296, pl. 249. This impressive display 會出現,象徵當權者高㓗清廉,勵精圖治,同時與儒家講求「
exhibits the sumptuous effect of an interior space furnished with highly 仁」的君子特質息息相關。鹿也象徵長壽,自古作為中國藝
ornate zitan furniture. A related pair of zitan compound cabinets and hat 術題材,常以壽老騎乘梅花鹿呈現,周邊有鶴、桃、松等吉祥
chests of almost identical proportions, also carved with dragons and bats, 之物加以襯托,勾勒鶴鹿同春,欣欣向榮的諧和景象。
dated to the 19th century, was sold at Christie’s New York, 14-15 September 此對四件櫃宏敞大氣,富麗堂皇,用料俱精,紋樣紛陳,瑞
2017, lot 962. 氣盎然,如此製作規模,足證物主財雄勢大,非富則貴,實
The dragons, phoenixes, qilin, and deer carved on the paneled doors convey
imperial power and auspiciousness. The qilin is an auspicious symbol of
longevity, fertility and a wise administration, as it only appears during the
reign of a benevolent ruler. It is also associated with the Confucian virtue
of ren, as it is benevolent to all living creatures. Deer are associated with
Shoulao, the Star God of Longevity, who is usually depicted accompanied
by a spotted deer, crane, peach and pine tree. Deer are known to live for a
long time and are believed to be the only animals that can find the fungus of
immortality, and thus have become associated with long life.