Page 68 - Christies IMportant Chinese Art Sept 26 2020 NYC
P. 68


          Herbert  Irving  and  Florence  Rapoport  were  born  in  赫伯特(1917年生)與佛羅倫斯歐雲(1920年生)生於布魯
          Brooklyn  in  1917  and  1920,  respectively.  In  spite  of  very  humble   克林。雖然他們出身於普通家庭,歐雲伉儷仍然成為非常
          beginnings,  together  the  couple  grew  into  exceedingly  successful   成功與慷慨的收藏家及慈善家。戰後經濟蒸蒸日上,歐雲
          and generous art collectors and philanthropists. In the thriving post-  先生覺得應趁此機會,設法改善家庭經濟。他成立了以紐
          war economy, Mr. Irving saw the opportunity to set his family on a   約為基地的環球冷凍食品(Global  Frozen  Foods),以滿足
          firm financial path. He founded Global Frozen Foods, a New York-  國內對冷凍農產品和食品日益增加的需求。在他的帶領之
          based  firm  that  catered  to  the  nation’s  growing  demand  for  frozen
          produce and foodstuffs. Under his leadership, Global Frozen Foods   下,公司迅速發展成為當地最具規模的冷凍食品分銷商。
          swiftly grew into the region’s largest frozen food distributor. In the   六十年代末,歐雲氏聯同業界同儕鮑約翰(John F. Baugh)
          late  1960s,  he  joined  forces  with  fellow  food  service  businessmen   與羅漢禮  (Harry  Rosenthal)  ,合資創辦了西斯科公司
          John F. Baugh and Harry Rosenthal to form the Sysco Corporation.   (Sysco  Corporation)。二十世紀結束前,該公司已躍升為
          Throughout the latter decades of the twentieth century, the company   全球最大的食品分銷商。
          evolved into the world’s largest distributor of food products.
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