Page 18 - The Golden Age of Chinese Archaeology: Celebrated Discoveries from the People’s Republic of China
P. 18

and Andrew Krieger, in the  registrar's  office,  who organized and  supervised the  packing  and
                            shipping  of the  works; Mark A. Leithauser, Donna Kwederis, Gordon  Anson, John Olson,  and
                            Bill Bowser, department  of design  and  installation; Joseph  Krakora, Sandy Masur, Ruth
                            Anderson  Coggeshall,  and  Melissa McCracken, office  of external  affairs;  Philip C. Jessup, Jr.,
                            Nancy R. Breuer, and  Montrue  V. Conner,  office  of the  secretary-general  counsel;  Deborah
                            Ziska and  Nancy Starr, information  office,  and  Faya  Causey, department  of academic  programs,
                            who organized  the  symposium.
                                 The process of assembling this  catalogue  presented  enormous  challenges.  Twenty-four  spe-
                            cialists in Chinese  art  and archaeology  agreed  to contribute texts, despite our schedule.  Their
                            wide-ranging scholarship  has enriched  our understanding  of the  history  of ancient  China  and
                            the  experience  of many thousands  of readers  and  visitors to the  exhibition. We are grateful to
                             Richard M. Barnhart, Albert E. Dien, Lothar von Falkenhausen, Louisa G. Fitzgerald-Huber,
                             Donald Harper, David N. Keightley, Ladislav Kesner, Michael Knight, Dieter  Kuhn, Colin
                            Mackenzie, Elinor L Pearlstein, Jessica Rawson, Edward L. Shaughnessy, Zhixin Sun, Robert L.
                             Thorp, Alain Thote, Roderick Whitfield,  and  Xia Mingcai. We are especially fortunate to be  able
                            to publish  essays by Professors Su Bai, Yu Weichao, Zhang Zhongpei, Zou  Heng, and  Xu  Pingfang,
                             who are among the  most senior  and  foremost archaeologists  in China. In the  selection  and  col-
                             lection  of photographs  and  illustrations for the  catalogue,  I was assisted  by Misses and  Messrs.

                             Fan Shenyan, Gua  Dashun, Wu En, Wang Shimin, Feng Haozhang, Huang Qingchang,  and  Peng
                             Hao; I also thank Messrs. Gao  Wei and  Wang Jihuai for supplying critical excavation data.
                                 The production  of the  catalogue  was a joint effort  by the  editors  office  at the  National
                             Gallery of Art, and  the  department  of Asian art, The  Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. In Washing-
                             ton, I am grateful  to  Frances Smyth, Mary Yakush, Chris Vogel, Charles Dibble, Jennifer Wahlberg,
                             Maria  Shay, Margaret Bauer, Allison Needle, and  Andrew Christenson.  Ms. Yakush  skillfully man-
                             aged  the  editorial  side and ensured  that  the  contributions  would be consistent,  in  collaboration
                             with Mr. Dibble. Mr. Vogel created  an  elegant  design.  In Kansas City, I am grateful to  Yuling
                             Huang, Lingen Lu, Jason Steuber, Theresa  Stock, Zhijun  Zhao, and  Dan Chaffee.  While they all
                             shared  duties  and gathered information for the  authors,  Jason Steuber was my principal  aide,
                             assisting  in all communications;  compiling the  English bibliography; and performing countless
                             essential tasks. I thank Zhijun for translating  Professor Zhang Zhongpei s article; Lingen for
                             translating  the  contributions by Professors Su Bai, Yu Weichao, Zou Heng, and  Xu Pingfang, and
                             compiling the  concordance; Yuling for compiling the  Chinese  bibliography  and translating Mr.
                             Zhang Wenbin s foreword, Theresa  for her  multi-faceted administrative work, Dan for creating
                             drawings of some of the  works exhibited, and  Wang Hui for her  assistance at the  later  stages.
                                  To all those who have helped  bring our  project  to  its successful conclusion,  I extend my
                             deepest  gratitude.

                                  Xiaoneng  Yang

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