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and  Black  1931.                         73  Xia  1978,  222.
                            37  For the  history of the  Zhoukoudian discovery, see Anders-  74  For English summaries of archaeological  discoveries
                              son  1934, 94-126; and  1943,  20-26. jia  1950.  during this period, see Chang  1977;  and  Watson  1981.
                            38  For example, see Weidenreich  1936,1937,  1939,  and  1943.  75  For more information, see Wu and  Olsen  1985,  especially
                            39  For the  archaeological contribution of Yuan  Fuli, see An  4-14.
                              1998.                                     76  Sichuan  1961;  Shanghai  1962;  and  Zhongguo  1965^
                            40  Black  1925, 98; Andersson  1934,  331;  and  1943,  32.  77  For example, see Zhongguo  1963;  and  Shandong  1974.
                            41  Gu  1926-1941, especially vol. i, 1926.  78  Chang  1969.
                            42  Li){1977,49-54.                         79  Henan  1959;  and  Zhongguo  1965C.
                            43  Li Ji 1977,  38.                        80  Yunnan  1959.
                            44  Li Ji offered  a detailed  description  of the  Anyang excava-  81  As a result of those excavations and  surveys, see Zhongguo
                              tions. See  Li Ji  1977, 49-119.             ziran  1985.
                            45  Liang Siyong  1933.                      82  Zhongguo  i98ob; Gansu  1974;  Hunan  1973;  and  Shaanxi
                            46  For the  formal archaeological reports  of these excavations,  i988b.
                              see Liang and Gao 1962-1976.               83  Mao Zedong's wife, Jiang Qing, together with her three
                            47  Boule  1928; Andersson  1934,  146-155; and Teilhard de  closest partners,  held great political power  during  the
                              Chardin  1941.                               Cultural  Revolution.  For more  information regarding  the
                            48  This site was later excavated by the Archaeological Section  Gang of Four, see MacFarquhar and  Fairbank  1991,
                              during 1930-1931. See Wu 1930;  and  Li Ji  1934.  336-370.
                            49  Shi  1938.                               84  Xia 1977.  Xia Nai introduced  the  carbon-14 dating
                            50  Xia  1948.                                 method  to his Chinese colleagues  in  1955,  only  a few years
                            51  Shi  1993.                                 after  its invention  (see  Xia 1955). In  1965,  Xia built  the  first
                            52  This distinction warrants continuation,  since palaeolithic  carbon-14 laboratory  in China at the  Institute of Archae-
                              archaeology requires knowledge  of geological  stratigraphy  ology.
                              and  index fossils whereas  knowledge of artifacts and  85  Xia 1985,  79-101.
                              cultural deposits are essential for Neolithic  archaeology.  86  Zhongguo  1992.
                            53  Besides those mentioned in the  text, Henri-Edouard-Prosper  87  Gansu  19833, and  1983^ Kaifeng  1978;  and  Handan  1977.
                              Breuil (1877-1961), a prominent  French  archaeologist,  88  Zhongguo  Shandong  1984.
                              studied  Palaeolithic discoveries  from Zhoukoudian and  89  Zhejiang  1978;  and  Hemudu  1980.
                              northern China. See Breuil  1931.          90  Su and  Yin 1981;  Su 19843, 225-234;  1986;  1991;  and  1994,
                            54  For more information, see Chen  1997, 264-275.  236-251.
                            55  Xia  1978,  221; and  1982,  454.        91  For the  "Chinese  archaeological  school,"  see Su  1995.
                            56  For a brief biography  of Zheng  Zhenduo,  see  Xie 1993.  For more information on  Su's  contributions,  see Wang
                            57  Throughout  his life as a student,  Xia's talent and  diligence  i997c; and  Cao  1998.
                              deeply  impressed  his advisor Stephen  Glanville (1900-  92  A representive  example was offered  by Yu Weichao  and
                              1956). In  1938,  Glanville described Xia's prospects "I have  Zhang Aibing. Their  1992 article treats ten theories and
                              not  the  least  doubt  that he is a man of real ability who  methodologies, including stratigraphy,  environmentalism,
                              will make a name for himself in China  if he  is ever  settlement  patterns,  and  metrology;  see Yu and  Zhang
                              allowed  to work there  again...." See Field and  Wang  1997,  1992.
                              especially 39.                             93  Hunan 1973;  Hubei  19853; and  Hubei  1989.
                            58  Wang  1985,  408 -  409.                 94  For a summary of these publications, see Falkenhausen  1992.
                            59  Wang 1985,  408-410.                     95  Zhang 19903, 72-73.
                            60  For his evolutional series,  see Morgan  1877.  96  Olsen  1992, 3-4; 3nd Murphy  1995, 123-124, and  195.
                            61  Further explications are contained  in his classic  work, see  97  For a comprehensive  summary of recent  Sino-foreign
                               Engels  1884.                               srchseologicsl collaborations  in China, see Murowchick
                            62  For a detailed discussion  on  Guo's  study, see  Dirlik  1989,  1997.
                               137-179.                                  98  Wu and  Olsen  1985,  91-106; and  Wenwu  1990,  60.
                            63  Tong 1995,177-183.                       99  For a summary of major views on this issue, see Zhongguo
                            64  Chang  19863, 5-8; and Olsen  1987.        1998B.
                            65  For a brief history of the  Department  of Archaeology,  100  Wenwu 1990,  178 - 180.
                               Beijing University, see  Li  1995.       101 Sichusn i987b 3nd  1989;  Sichuan  1994;  3nd Jiangxi  1997.
                            66  Guo,  1956,  6; and  Zheng 1956,10.     102  For more information, see  Yang Xiaoneng  1999.
                            67  For a brief history of the  Huangpu  Military Academy, see  103  For silk psintings of the  Wsrring States period and  silk
                               Wang  1990.                                 banners  and paintings  of the  Western  Han period, see
                            68  For the situation of Chinese  anthropology  since  the  Hunan  1983,  pis. 52-53 and 79-86.
                               19505, see Guldin  1990,  especially 3-29; and  1994.  104  Hubei  1989,  i, 108-118.
                            69  Xia  1990.                              105  Su  1996.
                            70  Murphy  1995,  81 - 83 and 183 -184.    106  The activities of two gangs at Houma, Shanxi  province,
                            71  For the  history of the  Cultural Revolution, see MacFarquar  exemplify  the serious looting and  smuggling  situation  in
                               and  Fairbank  1991.                        China.  See Yang i997b. For related  laws and  enforcement,
                            72  Luo 1998,  296-305.                        see Murphy  19943 and  b, and  1995.

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