Page 124 - 2019 October Fine Chinese Classical Paintings Hong Kong
P. 124

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           DAI XI 1801 - 1860                        DAI XI 1801 - 1860
           LANDSCAPE                                 STUDIO BESIDE A RIVER
           ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll   ink on paper, hanging scroll
           signed Dai Xi, dated wushen (1848) and with one seal of the   signed Qiantang Dai Xi, dated the first year of Xianfeng reign
           artist                                    (1851), and with three seals of the artist
           Inscription at poem hall by Wang Shijie (1891-1981), signed   with two collectors’ seals
           Wang Shijie and with one seal of his
                                                     68.2 by 35 cm. 26⅞ by 133¾ in.
           32 by 47.2 cm. 12⅝ by 18⅝ in.
                                                     HK$ 30,000-50,000
           HK$ 20,000-40,000                         US$ 3,850-6,400
           US$ 2,550-5,100
                                                     戴熙  溪山書屋
           戴熙  萬里雲山圖
                                                     水墨紙本  立軸
           設色紙本  立軸
           題詩堂:人盡其才,地盡其利。物盡其用,貸暢其流。                  晨夕,桃花流水自人間。仿思翁濁豪,咸豐紀元(1851)八
           王世杰。鈐印:「王世杰印」                             月錢塘戴熙畫。鈐印:「醇士」、「與江南徐河陽郭同
           釋文:萬里雲山圖。仿北苑秋山行旅。戊申(1848)二月               名」、「忍俊不禁」
           作,戴熙。鈐印:「醇士」                              鑑藏印:「希逸」、「經郛審定」
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