Page 103 - 2020 Nov 30 Christie's Hong Kong Scholars Art Of China
P. 103
The artist of this brush pot, Yang Jichu, is recorded in Chongkan jingxi xianzhi 本筆筒以泥漿順時針堆繪四幅花卉圖,分為蓮花、牡丹、蜜蜂稻穗
(The Republished Jingxi Gazetteer), compiled by Tang Zhongmian during (五穀豐登)及蘆葦秋雁。後者左下角印「楊」、「季初」款。楊
the Qing dynasty. Yang is noted as being active during the same period as
Chen Hanwen, mid 17th-early 18th century. Like Chen Hanwen, Yang Jichu is 季初,清雍正、乾隆時宜興名家,精通泥繪。清人唐仲冕於《重刊
famous for his work on Yixing wares, especially those, like the current brush 荊溪縣志》(清光緒刻本)卷四中記:「楊季初,菱花壺甚工,與
pot, which are painted in coloured slips. 陳漢文同時。」存世有少數楊季初作的宜興筆筒,但多堆繪山水人
It is rare to find a square slip-painted Yixing brush pots as most of the other 物圖。本筆筒上的紋飾在同類器中甚為少見,紋飾清雅,表現出如
similar examples are of circular form. Several slip-painted Yixing brush pots 文人畫的神韻,十分難得。
dated to the Qianlong period are preserved in the Palace Museum, Beijing,
and are illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace 傳世大多數的楊季初款筆筒皆為圓形,方形相對罕見,且題材多為
Museum - Purple Sandy Ware, Beijing, 2008, pp. 114-118. Two of them bear 山水,花卉紋似僅有此例。北京故宮博物院藏有數件宜興堆繪筆
the seal of Yang Jichu - one with a dark brown body (no. 115), the other with a 筒,見故宮博物院藏文物珍藏大系《紫砂器》,上海, 2008年,
beige body (no. 116) similar to the current example. 圖版141-148號,其中兩件有楊季初印款,均繪通景山水圖,一為
Compare also to three other brush pots decorated in similar technique 紫泥胎(115號),另一為段泥胎(116號)。 另比較三件拍賣過
with Yang Jichu seals sold at auctions, one of beige body decorated with 的楊季初款筆筒,包括2012年3月22日紐約佳士得拍賣,拍品1246
a landscape scene formerly in the Robert H. Blumenfield Collection, sold 號,Robert H. Blumenfield舊藏段泥山水圖筆筒;2016年6月1日
at Christie's New York, 22 March 2012, lot 1246; one of purple body with
landscape scene from the collection of Chen Keli (1908-1985), sold at Christie’s 香港佳士得拍賣,拍品3374號,紫泥山水圖筆筒;以及2016年11
Hong Kong, 1 June 2016, lot 3374; and another one of purple body decorated 月30日香港佳士得拍賣,拍品3346號,陳克立舊藏紫泥堆繪二甲
with crabs sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 30 November 2016, lot 3346. 傳臚筆筒。