Page 94 - 2020 Nov 30 Christie's Hong Kong Scholars Art Of China
P. 94

         A PAIR OF HUANGHUALI RECTANGULAR                  明末 / 清初   黃花梨無束腰長方凳一對
         LATE MING-EARLY QING DYNASTY, 17TH CENTURY        本拍品為一堂四張或更多的長方凳其中之二,另外相同一對拍賣於香港
         The soft-mat seats are enclosed by the rectangular frame   佳士得,2017年5月31日,拍品編號3240。可參考中國古典家具博物館
         with convex moulding and beading, supported on splayed   舊藏一對幾乎完全相同之黃花梨長方凳,於紐約佳士得拍賣,1996年9
         square legs with rounded outer corners, joined by plain double   月19日,拍品15號。亦可參考上海博物館藏一對與本拍品近似之黃花梨
         stretchers on the short sides and single stretchers on the long   方凳,載於王世襄《明式家具研究》,卷二,香港,1990年,頁19,圖
         sides, and by the beaded apron with indented corner mouldings.  版A3。
         20 ¼ in. (51.4cm.) high, 20 ¼ in. (51.5cm.) wide,
         16 ¼ in. (41.3cm.) deep                      (2)  This item is made of a type of Dalbergia wood which is subject to CITES export/
                                                           import restrictions since 2 January 2017. This item can only be shipped to
                                                           addresses within Hong Kong or collected from our Hong Kong saleroom and office
         HK$400,000-600,000              US$52,000-78,000  unless a CITES re-export permit is granted. Please contact the department for
                                                           further information.
         The present stools were originally part of a larger set of four or more
         identical stools that became separated over time, the other identical   本拍賣品由黃檀屬的木製造而成。從2017年1月2日起,所有由黃檀屬的木製成的物品受
         pair was sold at Chistie's Hong Kong, 31 May 2017, lot 3240. Compare   CITES出入口管制。除非獲得CITES再出口許可,此拍賣品只可運送至香港境內的地址或
         with an almost identical pair of stools from the Museum of Classical
         Chinese Furniture, sold at Christie’s New York, 19 September 1996,
         lot 15. Also refer to another pair of stools with similar design and
         proportions in the Shanghai Museum, illustrated by Wang Shixiang in
         Connoisseurship of Chinese Furniture: Ming and Qing Early Dynasties,
         1990, Hong Kong, vol. II, p. 19, A3.

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