Page 61 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Song Ceramics
P. 61

With its glowing, intense blue-                                          first direct commission of ceramics by an imperial court, which until
green glaze, its luminous, complex                                       then had relied on tribute wares supplied by various manufactories.
interlaced ‘ice crackle’ pattern, the
present brush washer is a picture-                                       A taste for a ware so extremely modest and unspectacular could
book example of Ru guanyao and                                           only evolve from a world view that propagated modesty and honesty
incarnates to perfection the ware’s                                      over ostentation and pretence. This taste in ceramics manifested
revered qualities.                                                       itself at a period, when the influential, idealist politician Wang Anshi
                                                                         (1021-1086) postulated, and practised himself, an austere and
stacked upside down, like Ding wares, and the method of firing           frugal lifestyle, and when amateur literati painters, whose concepts
them, precariously balanced on rings or pads with three or five thin     differed dramatically from those of the art academy professionals,
pointed stilts, undoubtedly led to many failures. In addition, pieces    pursued simplicity and artlessness in painting. Instead of displaying
were generally fired more than once, first for the biscuit, and then at  complex skills in elaborate compositions, they favoured natural
least once more for the glaze. Glaze crazing, originally an undesired    and spontaneous depictions of humble motifs. As painters tried to
effect of the different contraction of body and glaze during the         render the atmosphere of a landscape at a specific moment, at a
cooling process, was first discovered as an asset on Ru ware; yet        certain time of day or in certain weather conditions, potters were
an attractive crackle pattern refracting the light, like in mineral      admired for achieving glazes of a specific shade (“approaching
formations occurring in nature, requires a happy coincidence of          the blue of the sky after rain”), rather than for the shiny green
circumstances and cannot be produced at will.                            surface in general that in the Tang dynasty (618-907) had evoked
                                                                         comparisons with jade. The non-precious ceramic material, the
Ru ware evokes patriotic sentiments and nostalgic thoughts of            variation of hues achieved in the firing and the accidental crackle
glorious eras of China’s past, such as the reign of the Northern         patterns appearing during cooling accorded perfectly with the new
Song Emperor Huizong (r. 1101-1125), one of China’s greatest             endorsement of simplicity, subtlety and spontaneity in art – a form
imperial art enthusiasts and connoisseurs; or that of the Southern       of understatement and connoisseurship that appealed to China’s
Song (1127-1279) Emperor Gaozong (r. 1127-1162), who strove to           elite. With their discerning criteria for judging proportion, glaze
recreate some of the dynasty’s lost splendour in the new southern        structure, tonal range and tactility, Song connoisseurs in many
capital Hangzhou, although this had just been intended as a              ways anticipated modern design movements and Song ceramics
temporary abode for the court, after it had been forced to flee from     still provide models of style and craftsmanship for potters today.
invading foreigners.                                                     Although this taste was originally borne by the class of China’s
                                                                         educated scholar-officials, its sophistication – at least as far as
Ru official ware was made for only a very short period of time,          ceramics were concerned – was fully embraced by the court.
generally believed not to have exceeded twenty years, during the
reigns of the Northern Song Emperors Zhezong (r. 1086-1100)              With the loss of the northern part of their empire to the Jurchen
and Huizong. The two decades from 1086 to 1106 put forward by            and the move of the capital to Hangzhou, the Song no longer had
Chen Wanli (Chen 1951) are still largely accepted as the most likely     access to either the Ru or the Ding kilns – a very visible reminder of
period of its production, even though some scholars have proposed        lost territory. Since no southern manufactory was in a position to
slight variations. Although we have no indication of any direct          fill this lacuna, Emperor Gaozong, the first to rule out of Hangzhou,
imperial involvement in its creation, an imperial complaint about the    had new official (guan) kilns set up right inside the capital to make
unglazed rims of the white Ding wares from Hebei apparently led to       wares modelled on Ru ware for imperial use. It is exactly the glaze of
an imperial order of green wares from Ruzhou in Henan instead, the       the present washer, with its intense colour and ‘broken ice’ crackle,
                                                                         that some of the most admired guan wares copied (compare, for
                                                                         example, some of the guan vessels in the National Palace Museum:
                                                                         Taipei 2016, pls II-2, II-7, II-11 and 12, II-42 and 43).

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