Page 119 - Dr Yip April 2017 Poprtable Treasures
P. 119

Kang table is a classic type of Ming tables, suitable for use at    炕桌為典型明朝家具桌型之一,適用於席地而坐時或用於炕上。炕為用磚
mat level or on the kang, a hollow brick platform where hot air is  製成的臺座,下面空洞,可以燒火取暖。
driven through to create a warm living space.
Large size kang tables have survived in some numbers but small      上外,亦可置於榻、羅漢床及架子床上。
ones like the present piece are quite rare. Small size kang tables
were used on canopy beds, daybeds, luohan beds, as well as on       帶攔水線桌面標準格角榫攢邊平鑲獨板面心,下裝二根穿帶出梢支承。抹
the kang.                                                           頭可見明榫。邊抹冰盤沿向下內縮中部成窪形至底壓窄平線。特高束腰設
This design with an extremely high waist is ideally suited to       面下的槽口,直碰在起線壺門輪廓的牙條上。牙條以榫卯與三彎腿足接
accommodate a drawer.                                               合,抽屜面安黃銅面頁與提環。

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